
Professional Masters vs Msc Masters Degrees - 10 Differences

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1. Professional Masters courses are great if you want to make money fast - easy to gain employment with these type of certificates

2. Professional courses are great if your path is industry base and field work

3. Professional Masters  courses are designed for managers and leaders of men and materials

4. You cant use your professional course for PHD, you must do MSC for that

5. You cant use your professional course for lecturing, you must do MSC for that

6. It good to have One professional course on your resume, more relevant and repected by companies

7. More expensive than regular Msc Masters

8. Professional Masters courses are mostly Part time programmes

9. Professional courses are great if you are working on your business.

10. Msc masters is 100% research and academic work. Great if you like detailed and research work. Future looking lecturers/researchers/New Discoveries should go here.

33  Unilag Professional Masters Courses 

Master of Applied Geophysics (MAG) (Part-Time)

Master of Aquatic Resource & Pollution Management (MARPM) (Part-Time)

Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Full-Time Part-Time and Executive)

Master of Conflict Management (Part-Time)

Master of Criminology (M.Criminology) (Full -Time and Part-Time)

Master of Development Finance (MDF) (Part-Time)

Master in Diplomacy and Strategic Studies (MDSS) (Part- Time)

Master of Dispute Resolution (Part-Time)

Master of Environmental Management (M.E.M.) (Part-Time)

Master of Facilities Management (MFM) (Part-Time)

Master of Geographic Information System (MGIS) Part-Time

Master of Geoinformatics Information Technology (MGIT) (Full-Time/Part-Time)

Master of Industrial and Labour Relations (MILR) (Part-Time)

Master of Information Technology (M.I.T.) (Part-Time)

Master of International Law and Diplomacy (MILD) (Part-Time)

Master of International Relations & Strategic Studies (MISS)

Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) (Part-Time)

Master of Laws (LL.M) (Full Time/Part Time)

Master of Legal Studies (Part-Time)

Master of Managerial Psychology (MMP) (Part-Time)

Master of Natural Resources Management (MNRM) (Part-Time)

Master of Process Engineering (MPE) (Part-Time)

Master of Professional Ethics (MPE) (Part-Time)

Master of Project Management (MPM) (Part-Time)

Master of Public Administration (MPA) (Part-Time)

Master of Public and International Affairs (MPIA) (Part-Time)

Master of Public Health (MPH) (Full-Time)

Master of Risk Management (MRM) Part-Time

Master in Teaching of French as a Foreign Language (MTFFL) (Part-Time)

Master of Arts in Translation (MTL) (Part-Time)

Masters in Transportation Planning and Management (MTP&M) (Part Time)

Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP)

Master of Urban Design (MUD) (Part-Time)