
UNILAG MASTERS DEGREE: What's The Difference Between MSC Business Admin Vs MBA?

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I get this questions a lot it comes in various versions

a. Which is better,  Msc Management or MBA?

b. Which is the difference between Msc Business Admin and MBA

C. Which is the difference between Msc Business Admin and Msc Management

d. What will I lose by choosing MSc over an MBA?

All these questions are coming from the same root - confusion over nomenclature.

In this post I will clear the differences.

so follow along.


Both are Faculty of Business Administration courses

1. In unilag there is the Faculty of Business Administration. This faculty house so many courses, one of which is  Msc Business Administration. But the confusion arises because in Unilag its called MSC Management instead of Msc Business Administration.

They are both same and same.

MBA on the other hand is the professional course for Management degree. Its called MASTERS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

Msc Management is a research program,

2. Msc Management is a research program, that is pro-academics research and hypothesis and theory management based courses. its a program tailored towards academic findings and principles of management. while the contrary is the case for MBA.

MBA is for real business world. Its purpose is to help managers or business owners in industry management setup and run profitable and efficient companies with solid proven business principles tested all over the world.

The teaching style is more of case studies and practical analysis of live examples as they happen in the real world.

The goal is industry oriented not research.

Msc Management is focus on management theories and principles

3. Msc Management is focus on management theories and principles. MBA is multi facet course. it focus on the all-round business manager.

An MBA student will take courses in production, operations, finance, accounts, marketing, economics, Human resources, entrepreneurship, strategy, computer appreciation, research methods, qualitative analysis etc, this is done for a complete over-view of the role of the modern manager.

He should be sound and be on top of his game and understand world latest business trend and best practices.

With and MSC you can proceed to do your doctorate degree,

4. With and MSC you can proceed to do your doctorate degree, this however is not possible with an MBA.  With an MBA you will need to go back to an MSC before you can proceed for doctorate degree.

Many applicants at this stage prefer the MSC to MBA, just because of this seemly advantage, which i found out is just a self delusion.

Why did I say that?

Well, many people feel they WILL study up to doctorate level, but actually they wont and they don't.
Its been proven scientifically by research that only 2% of people that go for Masters Program actually further to doctorate level.

This is even so when there pressing economic challenges calling for your attention.
The ladies are the biggest suspects in this regards.

lectures times

5. Both Msc and MBA have full time and part time programs, but different scheduled.

Msc Management 

Full Time lectures is Mon - Thursday (8am - 2pm)

Part Time lectures is Saturday (8am - 6pm)


Full Time lectures is Mon - Thursday (8am - 2pm)

Part Time

Normal PT lectures is Mon - Friday  (6pm - 8pm)

EXECUTIVE PT lectures is Saturday (8am - 5pm)


6. The duration is same  for Full Time - One session and PT is 2 sessions


7. The Fees are also very difference, read more about the MBA and MSC MANAGEMENT FEES HERE

So which is better?

It all depends on various factors, such as

1. your goals

2. your passions

3. your need

As a wise master builder I have laid before your the benefits and structures of both courses.
When you blend all these you should be able to make an inform decision.

whatever you decide, make the best use of it.

Hope this clears the air.

Do you have any question or confusing issues concerning Unilag Programs you want me to write about?  state it in the comment session below and will see to it.



  1. AnonymousJuly 07, 2017

    Please, what is the difference between unilag full-time and part-time masters programme in law

  2. Please I will like to know if you run business analytics as a program on master's level? thanks

  3. Your diploma can be a stepping stone to a bachelor's degree, allowing you to seamlessly transition to higher education if you decide to pursue it.

    Read more: Diploma Course
