
Unilag Postgraduate/Msc 2016/2017: 51 Examination Formats and Question Types PART 3

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We started series some weeks back. and has generated lots of buzz among our readers.

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Today we have a closure on this series.



2. has 3 sessions. A, B and C

THE exam comprised of 3 sections,
section A
maths - 25
english - 50.
section C
GP - 25
(past questions shld guide u on this)

3. Some DEPT WILL still ask on your core course questions e.g G&C questions for G&C candidates only

4. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Advised from current M.ED FOUNDATION student:
work time as there is no time and questions are very confusing.

Area of problem for candidates Maths and the proposed essays
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and SS3 basic Maths text will help


2. 150 questions 1:30mins answer 100.
3. consisting of bacteriology, virology, mycology, medical parasitology, infection, diseases and host etc
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 88%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and environmental questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths will help


PGD CHEMICAL Engineering Candidates

1. Will do a Paper exams
2. Normally between 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of PHYSICS CHEMISTRY AND MATHS, some English
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. NO calculator, but take it along
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%

Advised from current PGD Chemical student:
Read elementary SS1, SS2, and SS3 physics, chemistry and Maths.

Area of problem for candidates: Physics and maths
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and focus on the basics

M.Sc. Operations Research Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of Business-maths
English and OR questions
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and OR questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths also if you can lay ur hands on OR books


PGD Economics/M.Sc. Economics Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 50 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of Economics questions ONLY- fiscal policy and public enterprise, theory of firm/industry organization
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%

Area of problem for candidates: Micro and Macro economics calculation. Marginal cost, Total cost, GDP calculations, theory of firm/industry organization etc
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic econs textbooks

SYSTEMS Engineering Candidates

1. Will do a Paper exams
2. Normally between 100 questions
3. consisting of FURTHER Maths, Engineering questions you choose
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Only Both Obj
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%
6. questions are based on the general systems course

Area of problem for candidates: Further maths and general systems questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic Further maths, Physics and Your course

M.Sc. Estate Management Candidates

1. Paper  exams
2. Normally 100 questions 1 hour
3. consisting of Maths and English only
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 85%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths questions and time
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths

CIVIL Engineering Candidates

1. Will do a Paper exams
2. Normally 40 questions
3. consisting of FURTHER Maths, Civil Engineering questions you choose
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Only Both Obj
5. Repetition of questions is about 100%
6. questions are based on the options course chosen

Area of problem for candidates: Further maths and specialization questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic Further maths, Physics and Your course
repitition of past questions since 3 years is 100%, word for word

PGD/M.Sc. Mass Communication candidates

1. Will do a CBT exams
2. Normally between 100 questions
3. consisting of 3 sessions,

current Affairs

For PGD its just current afiars and english
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Normally Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 90%

Area of problem for candidates: specialization areas and english was very tough last years 2015
The current affairs is current as in currently current within the last 3months to the exams date
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and Media and PRO basi

Masters FACILITY Management Candidates

1. Paper exams
2. Normally 100 questions 1 hour
3. consisting of Maths and English only
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 85%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths questions and time
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths

MBA Candidates

1. Will do a CBT exams computer based test
2. Normally 70 Questions for 50 Mins
3. consisting of Business-maths, English and Current affairs
(bet questions on terrorist, health issues, Last Elections, political players and Unilag etc)
4. Normally Obj questions
5. No use of calculators
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%
(past questions should guide u on this)

Area of problem for candidates: for last year its was english as most candidtaes were taken unawares of the english analogy questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers, basic business maths and listen to NEWS and follow the materials i will recommend and send to the Online class.

MILR/IRPM candidates

1. CBT exams all will do same exams
2. Normally 60 questions
3. consisting of Business-maths(20),
English (20) and labour-human resources questions(20)
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Normally Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 85%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and Human resource questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths also if you can lay ur hands on HR books

M.Sc. Management Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of Business-maths
English and management questions 20 qrts each
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and management questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths also if you can lay ur hands on Mgt books

M.Sc. Marketing Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of Business-maths
English and marketing questions 20 questions each
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and marketing questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths also if you can lay ur hands on basic marketing books

Environmental Chemistry Candidates

1. still paper but likely CBT exams this year
2. Normally 30 questions 2 hours
3. consisting of purely organic related chemistry questions
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. fill in the blank or state principle or list type of questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: organic chemistry, definitions, balancing reactions etc

MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic text will help

M.Sc Pol Sci candidates

1. did CBT and theory exams in 2015
2. Normally between 50 questions - theory was 4 questions asnwer 2
3. consisting of Grammar, current affairs, Political questions
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. OBJ questions and theory
5. Repetition of questions is about 60%

Area of problem for candidates: Theory questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and Current Affairs

PGD Accounting/M.Sc. Accounting Candidates

1. Will do a CBT exams computer based test
2. Normally 60 Questions for 45 Mins
3. consisting of maths, English and Current affairs and accounting 20:20:10:10
4. Obj questions
5. No use of calculators
5. Repetition of questions is about 60%
(past questions should guide u on this)

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and accounting questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers, basic business maths and listen to NEWS and follow the materials i will recommend and send to the Online class


MECHANICAL Engineering Candidates

1. Will do a Paper exams
2. Normally between 40 questions
3. consisting of FURTHER Maths, Engineering questions you choose
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Only Both Obj
5. Repetition of questions is about 90%
6. questions are based on the specializations chosen

Area of problem for candidates: Further maths and mechanical questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic Further maths, Physics and Your course

M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry

1. still paper but likely CBT exams this year
2. Normally 30 questions 2 hours
3. consisting of purely analytical chemistry questions
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. fill in the blank or state principle or list type of questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: organic chemistry, definitions, balancing reactions etc MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic text will help

M.Sc. Chemistry Candidates

1. still paper but likely CBT exams this year
2. Normally 30 questions 2 hours
3. consisting of purely chemistry questions-- periodic tables, bonds, compounds, laws and calculations under them
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. fill in the blank or state principle or list type of questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: organic chemistry, definitions, pressure, volume calculations
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic text will help

MEM candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 50 questions 1 hours
3. consisting of algebra maths, English 30: 20 (past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 88%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths will help

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1 comment:

  1. Hello, please I have a CGPA of 4.00 B.A(Ed) in French Language and I would like to apply for Diplomacy and strategic Management in Uni lag. What are my chances? Thanks
