
Unilag Msc Result: Status is NOT Recommended - Meaning, implications & What Next?

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Still on Unilag Pg results released last week Friday.
I wrote on the the meaning and implications of Recommended status here. If you missed it, you can check it out.

As I said the result generated a lot of Mixed feelings.
One of those who were sad are those whose remark was NOT RECOMMENDED.

Who are these people?

Why are they sad?

How can you score 61.15% for Accounting and still not be recommended
or 57.94% for Management Full Time and not be recommended.

This are issues,




questions begging for answers.

Some folks are already doubting the grading process

Is there anything that can be done to change this status?

so many questions?

I will do an analysis soon on the results watch out for it.
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There is one of five status attached to each score depending on the cut off marks set by the dept.

The five status which I treated in-depth in this post are

1. Recommended STATUS

2. NOT Recommended STATUS

3. NOT Qualified STATUS



I will use this post to treat NOT Recommended.

How To Check :

log in to Spgs Unilag website and input your reg nos and surname better still just follow the link below to access the page:


You may have passed the exams but you did not meet the cut off points
It also could mean that you failed the exams and definitely not going to get admitted.

its also means your name is not in the admission merit list.


 1. You will not get this admission except you work to see if you can get in via supplementary list

2. Find out the cut off mark and if you are very close, then there is hope for you.

3. Get ready to go to school to seek for help

4. You might still be in the supplementary list without consulting anyone - chances are slim, but its possible

WHAT's Next : - What should you do?

1. Seek for help - need recommendation
2. Change your course from Full time to Part time or executive depending on your discipline
3. Look out for the admission list, your name might surprisingly appear
4. When the list is out, find out who can help you with admission via recommendation

NEXT --> My Result Status is NOT QUALIFIED - What Next?

Lets know what you scored below and your status.
If not recommend let me help show you how to go about it.

just let me know below via the comment


  1. Mr Dan, Good Day. Keep up the good work. My score is 37.78 (Not recommended) English Literature (Part-time). Please, what should i do?

    1. This s too low for any support. 40 is the required score for any admission into Unilag. Nothing can be done to this unfortunately

  2. Gud day,i scored 55.29 envtal tox,wat r my chances

    1. very close, the cut off is 58 for your course. find who can help yo push for supplementary list

  3. Pls sir! I score 41.18 yet not recommended.... elect/elect(poweroption) confused I v any hope of admission n if not wot would u suggest I do sir

  4. Its 41.18(not recommended). elect/elect(power option) full time. Wot do u suggest I do sir?

    1. reach out to the dept and seek it any Dr or Prof can recommend you. the cut off is 44, so you still stand a chance.

  5. I had 55.12 and not recommended. Construction mgt.. what are the chances?

    1. this should be fixed pretty easily. the cut off is 56, so i advise get to the dept and look for a Dr or Prof to help with a recommendation letter. that's all you will need.

  6. I'm Julie. scored 45.18 for Msc. Economics. not recommended

    1. Hi Julie, I guess this is for FT, the cut off is way off. however, see if you can change over to part time. its better to take it up from there. hope it helps and thanks for sharing

    2. I scored 69.86 msc statistics not recommended. What shoud I do

  7. Good afternoon mr Daniel, i scored 41.11 for Industrial Relations and Personnel Management. please what is the Department cut off mark and possible solutions

    1. its 60. and sincerely, i dont think it doable. i would have suggested MILR, but even that is still above 50.

    2. which department can accept 41.11. part time course preferably

  8. Good day, i had 53.82 for msc management PT and my status is not recommended. Can any help be rendered and what is the citoff mark?

    1. you are very close. cut off is 54. please find any lecturer to recommend you, however i am sure 70% you will be in supplementary list. but pls take my advise and go make it happen. all the best.

  9. Good day sir, I was not recommended as I scored 46.67 for MBA full time as I don't have the required years of experience for part time and can't afford the executive program either even if I had the required years of experience. What are my chances?

    1. years of experience is factored into your marks, so at this stage don't really matter. cut off is 44 for PT so you need to write for change of programme from FT to PT and asked a lecturer to endorse it

  10. Good morning sir, i scored 52.94 for Msc mass comm and i was not recommended. your advice please

    1. change to PT if you may, as you will hold lectures together with FT.

    2. Thanks sir, please how can i change to part time and what exactly is the exact cut off mark for full time.

  11. Thank you so much for all the updates sir. Please what is the cut off for MBA full time?

  12. What is the cut off for M.Sc Org. Behaviour FT?
    I think 59.71 should get admitted. When your comment is recommended, do you roll out the drums that admission is certain?

  13. Good day Mr Dan, I had 52.55 for msc operation and production management and I wasn't recommended. Pls I'd like to know the cut off mark for th course. Thanks

  14. Hi Mr Dan my score is 48.24 and not recommended for master of education in educational administration and planning PT. What should I do next?

  15. Hi, I scored 63.91 for Msc mass communication and I'm not recommended, do you know what I can do? And plus what's the cut off mark?

  16. Hi sir, I scored 47.36 (MBA full time) and not recommended. Please what can I do?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. How do I go about it sir? I only have a year work experience.

  17. Good afternoon sir.Thanks so much for your email updates.
    I scored 53.6,MSc(full time) in Natural resources Conservation (2020/2021).Not recommended,any hope and what can I do ?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Good afternoon sir, I scored 53.97 (not recommended) msc Highway and traffic engineering full time option.

    What is the cut off mark and what should I do.

    Thanks sir

  20. Hi mr Dan, I scored 55.71 in MSC mass Communication full time and not recommended sir, please what can I do?

  21. Hi I got 61.47 for full time production and operation management but I want to change to part time . Please how do I go about this

  22. As I won’t have the time for full time as I initially planned do u have links to lecturer in business administration that can give me a recommendation for parttime

  23. Gud day sir what is my chances of getting admission in msc full time in economics my score is 46.32 but I have changed to part time

    1. Please, how did you do that? I mean change from full time to part time

  24. Please what is the cutoff mark for M.Sc Mass communication (Full Time)

    1. I also want to know, I got 55.88...not recommended

  25. Good day Mr Dan
    I scored 55.88 Mass Communication full time but I got 'not recommended' as Remark. Besides, I want to inquire if I can change my admission to part time and how? Thanks

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