
Do You Really Need A Postgraduate Degree?

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We are facing a multi facet problem in our dear nation. the triplets of corruptions, security and economic downturn has taken our focus and we need to do all to keep moving up.

This is the time to brace up for tomorrow.

The best way to do this is empower yourself now.
increase your capacity to grow and produce.

Define your PURPOSE.

Why do you want a Pg Degree?

funny question right?

Not really. Success follows purpose and where there is no vision the people perish.

let me paint a picture:

Scenario 1:
 You just finished your undergrad studies and the next big decision in your life is what to do next. Start a career? Travel the world? Get married? Start a business? Or will you sit at home watching TV?

Scenario 2:
You've been in your job for a while, and now you really want to push ahead and be reckon with in your carrer. You want to advance your skills and responsibilities. Time is no more on your side, you need to move on to greater level...

Scenario 3:
You've been working and you wish to prepare for your business by acquiring skills that will enhance your confidence and knowledge.
The job is getting time for your passion. Your haert burns within when you remember your calling...

Scenario 4:
You have no job instead of sitting idle you wish to empower yourself for the future and take your destiny in your hands. What lies ahead? You might not know until you take a step

Scenario 5:
You're tired of earning minimum wage all these years, you want to double your worth in the job market

Postgraduate studies may not be for everyone.

But if you are in either of the above situations, however, you should seriously consider PG study and its benefits.


Benefits of PG Study

1. Advance your career into another level

A postgrad course can further your skills and knowledge in your chosen field. Employers value that experience and often entrust PG-qualified applicants with greater responsibilities.

In fact, in some fields a postgraduate qualification is the only way into certain stages of a career, especially management.

In the private sector, postgraduate qualifications are equally valuable. An MBA, MIT, MPH, LLM for example, may advance your career in ways that nothing else can.

The benefits of a postgraduate qualification on your prospects depend on your chosen career.

Postgraduates may begin on a higher starting salary and advance more quickly for some lines of work, but for other careers work experience is valued over postgraduate study.

Verdict: Talk to a career advisor before signing up for a PG course.

2. Enhance your Undergrad result:

We know most positions and jobs are specifically met for 2:1 and 1st class. if you dont have it and you want it, PG is the way to go.

it gives you access to such doors. That is why I dont advocate you go for a course that you wont have time for lectures or you wont enjoy.

At the Pg level, you are correcting the mistakes you made at the undergrad stage. So chose wisely and use it to offset your first degree mistakes.

Today in Nigeria, if you only have a BSC, or better still a 2:2 you are just starting...

A good PG will enhance your Bsc in no small way.

3. Change your career

Studying for a postgrad qualification is an ideal way to enter a new career. PG Diplomas and Certificates offer valuable practical training that can help you to convert to a new field of employment.

A Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), for example, is the most common way into primary/secondary school teaching and administration.

Advantageously, more and more postgraduate courses are being taught part-time or as e-learning courses, which means you don't have to give up everything in order to study.

Do you know you can venture into teaching as you feel more and more frustrated in the private world?

PG - M.Sc is a sure way to provide this opportunity.

I specially appeal to women to take on Msc courses as it will help them to venture into lecturing at the later stage of their career as they settle down and build their homes.

4. Academic reasons

If you're coming to the end of your undergraduate studies but you still have the desire to learn and carry out research, a postgraduate course can satisfy your intellectual curiosity.

Postgrad study gives you the chance to really specialize in your field and advance your knowledge. If you enjoy your subject of study then perhaps you have the motivation to move on to a higher degree. In these economically difficult times finding a job is a challenge.

Of course, you don't want to enter PG study just to avoid looking for a job, but continuing on to further education while recruitment is at a low makes sense economically.

5. Enhance your prospects

A postgraduate qualification is an excellent way to enhance your prospects. Not only does a PG qualification help you to stand out from the crowd, but it also shows your commitment and dedication.

Research degrees demonstrate your ability to think independently and work towards a goal, while taught courses highlight your ability to learn new skills and ideas.

A postgraduate qualification is by no means a surefire way into your dream job, but it sends out a positive message to recruiters and it does improve your prospects.

6. Achievement purposes

Some people just want to be label great. We all do I guess. some want to be called Dr., Prof, or each time their names are called you see the list of qualifications after their names, MBA, LLB, MMP, MPH, MIT etc, these things gives a level of respect and dignity in the society.

You will need it as you grow in life especially if you want to be relevant in management and politics.

So what is your reason of doing a PG course? If you dont know, you will blow the opportunity. excellence follows purpose.

share with me your reason why in the comment session below?

am waiting....

Unilag PG FORMS?

The forms are not out yet, will be out by MAY/JUNE 2016. but we advise that you start reading hard right away. from my experience people who make the Merit list are those who starts on time.

There are scores of testimonies from people who got Merit admission just by following our lead.
This was the method they used for prep.

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