
UNILAG POSTGRADUATE DEGREE : 18 Hot Career Paths for Law Graduates

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If you are graduate of Law and need some hot selling courses you could do to boost your chances and career in the market places , never mind I have 10 hot courses a lawyer can pick from and make good career out of it.

first, you need to be determined and selective when its comes to your career.
you must make the necessary push to become the best you are in any field
lastly you should seek professional counsel on ways to boost your career.

here are the 18 hottest career paths for Law graduates

LAW Hot Combos

plus LLM
plus MILD
plus MISS
plus MMP
plus MBA
plus MCrim
plus Legal studies
plus PDGE
plus Property Law
plus Conflict Mgt
plus MILR
plus MDSS
plus MDR (Dispute Resolution)
Plus Economics
Plus Insurance
Plus MRM

you can pick the LLM form for unilag postgraduate degree

and get the total materials here LLM PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Unilag Pg and Masters 2016/2017 Exams - A lesson from the Past

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Many lessons were learnt from Unilag Postgraduate entrance examinations in October, 2015
The first of such is that the format of the exams changed from WRITTEN to CBT (COMPUTER BASED TEST) for many courses. while some paper still retain the old methods

The CBT test is the  new wave spreading into all courses in unilag.

I hope you are catching on


Notice Board:

1. There are rumors spreading that the application form 2016/2017 is out.
 dont be deceive, the forms are not out.

when they are out you will be the first to  hear from me within 12hrs and it will be all over the national dailies. its not like pregnancy that you can hide.

so case close. forms will be out in early JUNE, my guess? June 13th.

2. Register for your eclass and take advantage of the 25% promo discount that is on-going, will take it off by next week and FULL price will return

3. Corpers currently serving and will be discharged in September are eligible

4. Currently, Unilag undergrads are undergoing their 1st semester exams Their Pg counterpart will start their exams by JUNE 6TH

4, you do not need transcript now to apply, you cam upload your statement of results


On today's topic:

Today I present to you the courses that wrote CBT and those that wrote paper exams in 2015 for three reasons:

1.  To help your preparation.on likely exams day and you use it to plan

2. it can influence your choice of course

3.  From this list you can decide if you want to apply for two courses, just for double assurances

e.g i can decide to apply for MBA and Msc Economics, as a graduate in Finance, since the exams are on a different day

but i can't apply for MBA and ACCOUNTING, because the exams are on the same day.

Find the details below:


SET A- first saturday

Master of Business Administration (F/T, P/T & Executive)
Master of Science in Accounting (F/T)
Master of Risk Management
Master of Science in Actuarial Science (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Risk Management and Insurance (F/T)
Master of Science in Management (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Marketing (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Operations Research (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Organisational Behaviour (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Production/Operations Management (F/T& P/T)
Master of Development Finance (P/T)
Master of Science in Finance (F/T & P/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Finance (P/T)
Master of Industrial and Labour Relation (P/T)
Master of Science in Industrial Relations & Personnel Management (F/T)
Master of Geographic Information System (P/T)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (F/T)
Master of Transportation Planning and Management (P/T)

SET B - 2nd saturday

Master of Law (F/T & P/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (F/T & Sandwich)
Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Administration & Planning (P/T)
Master of Education in Educational Administration & Planning (F/T, P/T & Sandwich)
Postgraduate Diploma in Economics (P/T)
Master of Science in Economics (F/T & P/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communications (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Mass Communications (F/T & P/T)
Master of Public and International Affairs
Master of Public Administration (P/T)
Master of Science in Political Science (F/T)
Master of Managerial Psychology (P/T)
Master of Science in Psychology (F/T)
Master of Science in Sociology (F/T & P/T)
Master of Criminology (F/T & P/T)
M.Sc. Public Health (F/T & P/T)
Master of Public Health (MPH) (F/T)
Master of Environmental Management
Master of Information Technology (P/T)
Master of Science in Computer Science (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science (P/T)


day one - monday

Master of Education in Adult Education (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Adult Education Management (F/T)
Master of Education in Community Development & Social Work (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Manpower Training and Development (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Business Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Curriculum Theory (F/T)
Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (F/T& Sandwich)
Master of Education in Economics Education (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in English Education (F/T)
Master of Education in English Literature Education (F/T)
Master of Education in French Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Geography Education (F/T)
Master of Education in History (F/T)
Master of Education in Religion Education (CRS) (F/T)
Master of Education in Religion Education (IRS) (F/T)
Master of Education in Social Studies (F/T)
Master of Education in Yoruba Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Comparative Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Educational Psychology (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Guidance & Counselling (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Measurement & Evaluation (F/T&Sandwich)
Master of Education in Philosophy of Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Sociology of Education (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling (P/T)
Master of Education in Exercise Physiology (F/T)
Master of Education in Health Education (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Sports Administration/Mgt. (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Sports Psychology (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Biology Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Chemistry Education (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Educational Technology (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Mathematics Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Physics Education (F/T)

day-1B  monday

Master of Arts in Music (F/T)
Master of Arts in Theatre Arts (F/T)
Master of Arts in Visual Arts (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Music (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Theatre Arts (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Visual Arts (F/T)
Master of Art in English Language (F/T & P/T)
Master of Art in English Literature (F/T & P/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in English Language (P/T)
Master of Arts in French (F/T)
Master of Arts in Teaching of French as a Foreign Language (P/T)
Master in Diplomacy and Strategic Studies
Master of Arts in History and Strategic Studies
Master of Art in Igbo (Language Option) (F/T)
Master of Art in Igbo (Literature Option) (F/T)
Master of Art in Yoruba (Language Option) (F/T)
Master of Art in Yoruba (Literature Option) (F/T)
Master of Art in Philosophy (F/T)
Master of Professional Ethics

DAY 2 - Tuesday

Master of Aquatic Resource and Pollution Management (P/T)
Master of Science in Fisheries (Aquaculture) (F/T)
Master of Science in Fisheries Biology and Management (F/T)
Master of Science in Marine Biology (F/T)
Master of Science in Marine Pollution and Management (F/T)
Master of Science in Applied Entomology and Pest Management (F/T)
Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Management (F/T)
Master of Science in Natural Resources Conservation (F/T)
Master of Science in Parasitology and Bioinformatics (F/T)

DAY 2 - Tuesday

Postgraduate Diploma in Anaesthesia (F/T)
Master of Science in Anatomy (F/T)
Master of Science in Biochemistry (F/T)
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Engineering
Master of Science in Clinical Pathology (F/T)
Master of Science in Clinical Pharmacy (F/T)
Master of Science in Haematology & Blood Transfusion (F/T)
Master of Science in Medical Microbiology (F/T)
Master of Science in Medical Parasitology (F/T)
Master of Science in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (F/T)
Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (F/T)
Master of Science in Pharmacognosy (F/T)
Master of Science in Pharmacology (F/T)
Master of Science in Physiology (F/T)
Master of Science in Physiotherapy (F/T)
Master of Science in Medical Physics (F/T)

DAY 3 - Wednesday

Master of Process Engineering (P/T)
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering (P/T)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Communications Option) (F/T)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Control Option) (F/T)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Electrical Power Option) (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Electronics Option) (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (F/T)
Master of Science in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Metallurgical and Materials Science (P/T)
Master of Geoinformatics Information Technology (F/T)
Master of Science in Surveying and Geoinformatics (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying and Geoinformatics (F/T)

DAY 3 - Wednesday

Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Civil and Environmental Engineering(P/T)
Master of Science in Systems Engineering (F/T)

DAY 3 - Wednesday

Master of Environmental Design (F/T & P/T)
Master of Landscape Architecture (P/T)
Master of Urban Design
Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Design (P/T)
Master in Project Management (P/T)
Master of Science in Construction Management (F/T)
Master of Science in Construction Technology (F/T)
Master of Science in Quantity Surveying
Master in Facilities Management (P/T)
Master of Housing Development and Management
Master of Science in Estate Management (F/T)
Master in Urban and Regional Planning (P/T)
Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning (F/T)
Master of Conflict Management
Master of Dispute Resolution
Master of International Law and Diplomacy
Master of Legal Studies
Master of Research and Public Policy
Master of Security and Intelligence Studies

order your past questions below:

Any questions please lets hear on the comment below:


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An applicant for admission to a programme shall be:

1. Must possess a Bachelors's degree of this University or any approved University:
Some courses accept 3.0 CGPA min, most 2.4 and others 3rd class. just make sure you understand which Bsc LEVEL your intending course requires.

2. A person who holds other qualification(s) recognized by senate of the University of Lagos;
here other qualifications, like in educaton like NCE, teacher grade 11, others like HND for MBA and very selected few courses

3. In addition to (i) and (ii) above, an applicant may be required, as a condition for admission, to undergo a selection process in the form of written and/or oral examinations.

Most applications will write a Written/CBT test as selection requirement.
This is highly compeptitive and the best man wins.



1. (i) Candidates who have not completed the National Youth Service Corps programme or

(ii)currently undergoing a Postgraduate programme need not apply.

Such applicants will be automatically disqualified.


This session is very worrisome for most applicant especially if they are still serving.
let me say t categorically clear here, what the school said and what people are interpreting are two different things.

(i) Candidates who have not completed the National Youth Service Corps programme:

this is saying if you have not served you cannot apply, using another section of the requirement to better understand this session as lawyers normally do

if you go down to point 4 its says

All academic transcripts must reach the Deputy Registrar/Administrative Secretary, School of Postgraduate Studies on or before the start of the session admission is being sought.

here it means during screening is when your papers will be examined if they are correct or not.

so when is screening?

screening is done after a candidate must have been successful in the examinations and offered admission.

in this case, 2016 set, tat will be later in the year, DECEMBER/JANUARY 2016/2017

Now, the big question is this, will those corpers currently server have their discahge certificate by december?

The answer is YES, they will.

so why the hoot, anybody disqualifies themselves on this flemsy Excuse?

since 2011/2012 i have been on this game, i have , i repeat I have never seen any corper who applied for the form while still serving that was disqualified, because as i said, your NYSC dischareg cert will be out by the time admission/screening time comes.

this is so simple and common sense that many people miss it and miss out.

this means corp members currently servicng and will pass out in septeember are eligble to apply for unilag msc or masters programme.
those that will pass out next year cannot apply for this years' form

i will need Sen Ben Bruce help here.

Hope that clears that.

(ii)currently undergoing a Postgraduate programme need not apply.


Its a taboo if you is running a PG COURSE in Unilag and still want to apply for another one, it not done, because it will lead to clash in matric number.

As a student, you retain your matric number anytime you study in UNILAG either undergrad level of postgraduate level.

What is Possible?

This is what you can do and its possible, you can run another pg program in another school while you are a student in unilag still. but  dont get the rationale or this, msc/masters is not fishing festival, its hard work!!!

Next we will treat the 2nd, 3rd and 4th requirement i details.

2. Candidates awaiting Bachelor's degree results need not apply.

3. A holder of Degree obtained from an Outreach/Satellite are not eligible to apply.

4. All academic transcripts must reach the Deputy Registrar/Administrative Secretary, School of Postgraduate Studies on or before the start of the session admission is being sought.

get the updates when form is out and every info you need from UNILAG PG 2015