
Federal Government Scraps Post-UTME: IMPLICATIONS for University Admissions

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The Federal Government Thursday scrapped the conduct of post Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME) for candidates seeking admission into higher institution.

The government explained that all tertiary institutions were at liberty to conduct screening for candidates seeking admission into any school.

Minister of Education, Mallam Adamu Adamu, said this on Thursday in Abuja after declaring open the 2016 Combined Policy Meeting on Admissions to Universities, Polytechnics and other higher institutions in Nigeria.

Adamu, expressed confidence in the examination conducted by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), adding that there was no need for other examination to be conducted by universities after JAMB.

He said: “As far as I am concerned the nation has confidence in what JAMB is doing. The universities should not be holding another examination and if the universities have any complain against JAMB let them bring it and then we address it.

If JAMB is qualified enough to conduct tests and they have conducted test then there will be no need to conduct another test for students to gain admission.”

The Minister also asked the JAMB to stop extra charges on several categories of changes on admissions such as the change of course, change of school and others.

Meanwhile, the JAMB has pegged the cut – off mark for admission for 2016 at 180.

The 180 benchmark, applies to all universities and higher institutions in the country, including polytechnics, colleges of education, and others.

JAMB’s Registrar and Chief Executive Officer, Prof. Dibu Ojerinde, after a long debate with delegates from various institutions, told journalists that no institution would go below the 180 cut-off set by the board.

He said: “180 is given, no institution will go below 180 this year, And some universities can go above it, I know University of Ife will not go below 200 and University of Lagos will not go below 200 and also UI. All these ones stand but 180 as bench mark for others.

“This year we have more than enough candidates, we have over 1.5 million candidates so we will get enough candidates to take in all the schools if they are serious. Re-distribution is already ongoing, because it is embedded in the registration procedure.”


1. Undergraduate admission will go back to as it used to be, where those who score high in JAMB exams gets admission.
makes Jamb exams more competitive and i foresee a return of corrupt practices with Jamb officials

2. cut-off marks will go up and the people that will enjoy this will be briliant students and those whose parents can settle jamb officials

3. Unilag and all other schools will scrap post-utme exams and lose about N20BILLION they make from the sales of the form yearly

4. Admission runs within Universities especially the elites schools like unilag, UI, OAU will escalate to high heavens

5. Studenst should stop buying post UTME questions and start look how to take advantage of the results for this year admission

6.  The government explained that all tertiary institutions were at liberty to conduct screening for candidates seeking admission into any school, the means there could still be screening, which will still be like post UTME  in a way
7. Quota system admission will return

8. Admission will be more difficult especially for the poor.

To me this decision is neither here or there,

Lets hear your take on these issues.

Unilag 2016/2017 Postgraduate Masters & Msc Public Health Entrance Past Questions And Answers FREE Download pdf

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There is need to be aware of some things before we go in for Unilag MPH and Msc Public health entrance examinations. 

There is also the need to be proactive and well-prepared. see a sample of some questions below if you are preparing for the Unilag Postgraduate exams.

There is also need to be beware of the associated fees with the program.

M.Sc. Public Health Qualifying Examination
2014/2015 Session

Instructions: Answer all Questions
Time: 50 minutes

1. Which of the following makes up the biological environment?
A. plants and animals     B. residence and housing     C. atmosphere    D. water

2. Water borne diseases are
A. Diseases in which the infective agents are present in the water
B. Small particles present in water.
C. Diseases in which the causative organisms are very minute.
D. caused by pathogenic microorganisms that most commonly are transmitted in contaminated fresh water

3. The following are processes in water purification by sand filter.
A. percolation   B. sedimentation   C. rapid mixing     D. coagulation

4. All of these are international notificable diseases except
A. plague   B. cholera   C. SARS    D. legionaire disease    E. Ebola

5. All of the following has an intermediate host except ------------------
A. schistosomiasis    B. trypanosomiasis    C. ebola    D. malaria

6. The vector that causes river blindness (onchocerciasis) ---------------
A. tsetse-fly    B. simulium damnosum    C. plasmodium    D. sandfly

7. Prevalence is best described as  --------------------
A. is a measure of disease that allows us to determine a person's likelihood of having a disease.
B. Is a measure of disease that allows us to determine a person's probability of being diagnosed with a disease during a given period of time.
C. is a measure often used to determine the level of morbidity in a population.
D. is the number of deaths due to a disease divided by the total population.

8. Where is water found -----------------------
A. lithosphere    B. hydrosphere     C. biosphere    D. atmosphere

9. One is not considered when trying to learn about a population
A . Age   B.  Literacy level    C. Sex    D.  Frequency of health facilities use

10. Which of the following is not used to ascertain socio-economy status?
A. age    B. income     C. residence    D. occupation      E. education

UNILAG MASTER OF RESEARCH AND PUBLIC POLICY (MRPP): Admission Requirements, Course Structure, Duration and Details

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The Master of Research and Public Policy (MRPP) is a new, specialized graduate programme designed and implemented by 16 participating universities through a ¡° collaborative ¡° process. It is supported by Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR), a Pan- African organization based in Nairobi. Collaborative means 16 partner universities and PASGR working together on the MRPP from conceptualization to design, start and implementation.

 The MRPP combines social science research training with public policy to attract those who wish to be researchers and future academics as well as those who wish to be policy practitioners.

The following 16 Universities from 9 countries across Africa form the MRPP network:

. University of Botswana, Botswana
. University of Cape Coast, Ghana
. University of Ghana, Ghana
. Egerton University, Kenya
. Maseno University, Kenya
. Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique
. University of Ibadan, Nigeria
. University of Jos, Nigeria
. University of Lagos, Nigeria
. National University of Rwanda, Rwanda
. University of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone
. University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
. Mzumbe University, Tanzania
. Makerere University, Uganda
. Uganda Christian University, Uganda
. Uganda Martyrs University, Uganda

MRPP graduates should be able to produce social science research that can contribute to public policy and good governance, and also be able to utilize research evidence in public policy development.

Program Objective

The vision underpinning the MRPP is the value of strengthening the production of social science researchers so that they may contribute to public policy development in Sub-Saharan Africa. It was felt that a programme that provides for the development of competencies in research and public policy would generate a cadre of professionals able to work in a wide variety of settings including but not limited to government bodies, think tanks, civil society organizations, regional and international organizations, media and universities.\

Discrete learning experiences in the MRPP are integrated into ¡°foundation¡±/core courses and ¡°concentration¡± courses as well as a field experience, thesis and workshops. The courses are sequenced in a manner that allows students to develop competencies consistent with two career pathways: ¡°research¡± pathway for students who are primarily interested in research/teaching and a ¡°policy practice¡± pathway for those who wish to use research to influence, inform or shape public policy as policy practitioners.

There are three types of competencies targeted:
. Common competencies for all students that enable them to understand different conceptual and methodological approaches to social science research; and appreciate various theoretical and conceptual approaches to the formation and analysis of public policy issues;

. Capacity to design and execute policy oriented research for those in academia and research organizations; and,

. For those in policy development, management and implementation, competencies to apply policy analysis tools to key public policy issues and utilize evidence based research results.

Three types of courses are designed 

to move students towards attaining specific competencies as highlighted below:
. Foundation courses (sometimes referred to as MRPP (core courses) address competencies needed by students on both pathways; and,

. Concentration courses (sometimes referred to as MRPP electives) provide more in depth learning experiences to develop competencies associated with one pathway or the other.

. University-specific electives that may be provided by individual universities.

One of the design implications is that compared to other graduate programme students have somewhat less flexibility. Aside from some choice in concentration courses, all students will take all MRPP courses.

Admission Requirements

The MRPP aims to attract a rich diversity of qualified students from undergraduates as
well as early and mid professionals seeking to build on their expertise.

Uniform minimum eligibility criteria and a rigorous selection process will ensure that the students admitted into the programme are motivated, capable of coping with the demands of the programme and developing the required competencies. It will also help ensure that all MRPP universities are accepting students of similar quality.

To be considered for admission all applicants in all universities must meet the following minimum eligibility criteria:
. Masters degree, or,
. An Upper Second class Bachelor.s degree (or its equivalent GPA), or higher; or,
. A Bachelor.s degree of a lower second class, and at least 2 years of work experience in a research or policy field, or a postgraduate diploma.

Eligible candidates will subsequently be considered using a common two-stage selection process determined by each university.

The selection process should include:
. Applications with:
a) personal details;
b) academic record to date;
c) academic and/or professional references; and,
d) a letter of motivation.

. Followed by one or more of the following:
a) personal interview;
b) written or oral examination, assignment, or task; and/ or
c) assessed group exercise.

Course Structure and Duration

Two academic years are recommended for the programme.
Each of the academic years will have two semesters.
After the first academic year, the students will go for a long break during which they are expected to gain field experience and undertake data collection for their thesis work.

Modes of the programme delivery
MRPP will be launched as a full-time programme. Once it is operational, participating universities will turn attention to whether or not to pursue:
(i) a part-time variant or,
(ii) an adapted version such as an Executive MRPP.

Course Work:

(a) Utilising a mix of uniform course content (common supporting materials and pedagogy across all universities) with localised course content (developed by teaching staff to ensure the programme is contextualised to each country in each university);

(b) An approach to teaching that replaces chalk & talk lectures with heavy use of:
. Participatory learning experiences;
. Interactive teaching tools;
. Group projects and assignments;
. Case study teaching.

(c) E- learning materials will form an integral part of course delivery and provide an opportunity to bring international practices and experience into the classroom as well as enable students to interact across MRPP universities;

(d) Use of visiting teaching staff and guest lecturers especially policy actors (e.g. from government and civil society, media, etc.) and researchers (e.g. from universities and think tanks); as well as collaboration across MRPP universities (i.e. joint courses, exchanges of teaching staff).


. Organized learning opportunities to focus on ¡°soft¡± skills (e.g. IT, presentation skills, negotiation, communication) in the form of evening or weekend workshops rather than occupying valuable course time for such content.

Field experience:
. To expose students to new and real world environments and issues;
. Related to each students. thesis topic;
. Used to facilitate data collection/consultation;
. A minimum duration of 6 weeks;
. Host organisation provides supervision and potentially future employment opportunities (not necessarily for the individual who has the placement).

. To demonstrate integration of learning experiences from course work, field experience and workshops.

Class Size

The MRPP will have a maximum class size of 25 (universities determine minimum class size); There will be a minimum cohort size of 15 (universities determine maximum cohort size). The cohort refers to the number of students participating in the MRPP in any given year. If a total of 100 students are in a cohort, no more than 25 may be included in any single class.

Course Coding
All Master of Research and Public Policy course codes are four capital letters MRPP is followed by a course number consisting of three digits:
. The first digit represents the graduate level of study.
. The second digit is the type of course. Courses are indicated as follows:
. Foundation courses (F) 0
. Concentration courses (C) 1
. Thesis 2
. The third digit indicates the sequence

Examination Regulations

Student Assessment and Grading of Courses
The Steering Committee reached agreement on the need for some uniformity in student assessment. It was recognized that the MRPP entails learning experiences that do not lend themselves to grading on the basis of examinations in many cases. The adoption of innovative pedagogy requires a variety of assessment strategies whose weights cannot be determined prior to finalization of syllabi.
The syllabi will articulate course coverage, pedagogical strategies and modalities of capturing a variety of learning outcomes from: individual assignments; group projects; class presentations; role play; simulations; case studies; continuous assessments; and examinations. At this stage, assessment strategies that lend themselves to specific teaching and learning strategies will be clarified and weighted.

Student mode of assessment:

A combination of assessment mechanisms including:
. Individual assignments;
. Group projects;
. Class presentations;
. Role play;
. Simulations;
. Case studies;
. Continuous assessments;
. Examinations.

Credit Weighting and Graduation Requirements

. All courses will be weighted equally;
. Each course will have 3 ¡°contact¡± hours and 6 ¡°non-contact¡± hours over a 15 week period;
. Field experience will be equivalent to 1 course;
. The number of credits for the thesis will be determined by each university.

Grading System

A description of the quality of work required to achieve particular grades on a scale.
C: Student academic progress. Mechanisms of mitigating failure as well as dealing with students who do not make sufficient academic progress. Decisions about the agreed approach to student assessment and grading of courses must be determined by the content and learning outcomes specific to each course, taking into account the practices of universities. Once the course design outlines are developed into syllabi, universities will consider and adopt a common approach to assessment and grading. This will occur after the approval process is complete.

Outlined below are only preliminary considerations reflecting the need for harmonization of assessment and grading across all MRPP universities based on syllabi. The common framework will cover the following:

Student Assessment

A combination of assessment mechanisms including:
(i) Individual assignments;
(ii) Group projects;
(iii) Class presentations;
(iv) Role play;
(v) Simulations;
(vi) Case studies;
(vii) Continuous assessment;
(viii) Examinations.

Graduation Requirement To graduate, students must have taken/prepared and passed:

(a) 10 ¡°foundation¡± courses;
(b) 3 ¡°concentration¡± course electives:
(c) For students in the research pathway . minimum of 2 research courses one of which must be either C1 or C2;
(d) For students in the policy pathway . minimum of 2 policy courses one of which must be C3.
(e) Thesis seminar;
(f) Field experience;
(g) Workshops (at least 3);
(h) Thesis;
(i) 1 or 2 additional electives (if required by the university).

Degree classification
To ensure uniformity in approach to the MRPP thesis across all universities:
. Thesis proposal approved at end of semester 2;
. Preferably thesis supervision by primary and secondary advisor (at least 1 advisor from the MRPP programme);
. Preferably thesis assessment (including oral defence) by 2 supervisors and moderated by an external examiner

The candidates will be expected to satisfy the Board of examiners with regard to the thesis/project as stipulated in the University rules and regulations.

[Unilag Pg 2016/2017 Application] - Is the Masters/Msc Form Out?

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Do you know I received more than 100 calls today all asking me the same question:

" Unilaggoogle, is the master forms out?"

I replied No, until I started feeling funny in my bucca cavity!!!
Let me say it again and loud.

Unilag 2016 Pg Application form is not yet Out.

the next most common question I received was:

" so when will it be out?"

The forms is normally out 2nd week in June from trends analysis and released on Mondays
If we follow history, the form will be out Monday, 13th JUNE 2016 tentatively
Hope that answered a lot of queries.

Now...lets move to today business


(First Thing First)


Those asking me what the eclass is all about please read the details of the class here

 Admission Data 2015 Analysis:

A number of people were  admitted last year 2015 in each course. This data is very important if you know how to interpret figures.

let me try and share some insight from this data.

8 Data Insights from admission 2015:

1. People prefer part time to full time

2. Its easier to gained admission into PT than FT as PT cut-off is always lower to FT.

3. Working class apply more  for Unilag Pg than those not working or those just through from NYSC

4. If you want to know which courses will sell well and you want to chose a course always look at where people are heading. its called trend.

courses that have:

a. 300 and above are RED super hot courses e,g MBA
b. 200 -300 are super hot courses e,g LLM
c. 100-200 are hot courses  e,g MDSS
d. 50-100 are good courses
e. 20-50 are traditional evergreen courses
f. 10-20 are struggling course not too relevant in Nigeria of today
g. 1- 10 are dying courses

I advise you to avoid the courses in category F and category G, especially if you are still young, except you want to work for yourself or go abroad to work

5. The top 7 Lucrative courses in Nigeria now with the highest competition are:

1. MBA PT -- 459
3. MILR   PT - 266
4. LLM    PT - 259
5. MPIA - 253
6. MIT - 216
7. Msc FINANCE PT - 195

These course are so competitive for a reason, they are hot selling in the marketplace, so young graduates please grab them if you can, but there is a caveat here, the FT is not so competitive, but have a high cut-off point.

Be wise. 

I will teach those of you that will be in the class what to do so you can easily get the course you want avoiding all the drama.

6. some courses are not worth the stress, so please don't hang on to passion courses at this stage cling to relevance and purpose.

7. The neglected courses are much, but some of them have hidden gold if you can find them.

8. Fastest growing courses: These courses are new but already pulling strings

some of these are:

a) Master of Transportation Planning and Management
b) Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Management
c) Master of Research and Public Policy
d) Master of Risk Management
e) Master of International Law and Diplomacy
f) Master of Environmental Management
g) Master of Environmental Design (Full Time)
h) Master of Education in Educational Administration and Planning (Part Time)
i) Master of Criminology (Part Time)
j) Master in Diplomacy and Strategic Studies
k) Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Full Time)
l) Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Environmental Studies (PGD-ME)
m) Master of Science in Medical Microbiology (Full Time)
n) Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Full Time)

ok enough of the analysis, 
enjoy the data and tell me what you can see?

I want to hear from you really, comment below how and what you see from the data.
lets  start the masters from here.

look closely at the data below and tell me at least 2 things you can see

lets hear your views and comments below.

Unilag 2016/2017 Postgraduate Masters & PGD ECONOMICS Entrance Past Questions And Answers FREE Download pdf

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unilag pg form

Looking  to download past questions and solutions for Unilag Msc Economics entrance exams.?
You are in the right place.

Thee are many advantage to having a clue on how the exams will be, since Unilag is in the habit of repeating questions.

It will prepare you for the format of exams to expect in the exams.

Find  a sample Unilag Postgraduate Pgd and Msc Economics examinations below and click the link to get 6-8 years copies of the previous exams.



1.         In the Gross Domestic Product in recent years, the agricultural sector accounts for
            A.        Between 4% and 9%              B.        between 10% and 14%
            C.        Between 15% and 34%          D.        Between 35% and 45%          E. above 45%

2.         What percentage of Nigeria’s export earning is accounted for by manufactured goods?
            A.        1 to 3%            B. 4% and 6%             C. 7% and 9%             D. above 20%

3.         Per capita GNP growth rate in Nigeria has fluctuated in recent years between
            A.        0 and 3%         B. 4% and 9%             C. 7% and 9%             D. above 9%

4.         According to UNDP Human Development Index Nigeria is ranked
            A.        Among the richest 60 countries          B. among the richest 80 countries
            C.        among the richest 100 countries         D. below the richest 100 countries

5.         Gross Domestic Product (GDP) may be defined as:
            A.        GDP = C + 1 + G                               B.        GDP = C + 1+ X –M
            C.        GDP = C + 1 + G + X – M                 D.        GDP = C + 1 + G + < - X
            Where C is private consumption expenditure, 1 is private investment expenditure, 
G is government expenditure X is exports and M is imports of goods and services

6.         Gross national income GNI is defined as
            A.        GNI = GDP + FI – FP + D                B.        GNP = GDP – FI + FP – D
            C.        GI = GDP + FI – FP – NIBT             D.        GNP = GDP – FI+FP – NIBT

7.         Suppose GNI in 2010 at current prices is estimated as 25,000 billion Naira, while 
   population is estimated as 150 million, then GNI per capita is approximately.
            A.  N1,667                  B.N16.667                  C.  N166.667              D.        N1,666.667

8.         Suppose GDP (at 1990 constant basic prices) is 620 billion Naira in 2005 and
 850 billion Naira in 2010. Calculate the average annual growth of GDP
            A.        3.5%                B. 5.6%           C. 6.5%           D. 7.3%

9.         In the closed economy model without government, the multiplier, k, may be expressed as
            A. 1/(1-m)                   B 1/(1-c)          C. 1/(1-s)         D. 1/(1-c(1-t)+m)
            Where is marginal propensity to consumes is marginal propensity to save and m is 
        marginal propensity to import and t is tax rate of national income Y.

10.       In the closed governed economy, the multiplier may be expressed as

            A. 1/(s+1)                    B. 1/(1-c-t)      C. 1/(1-s-t)       D. 1/(1-c(1-t)

To download more questions and solutions for Msc/Pgd Economics for both full time and 
Part Time