
MSC Vs Professional Course: Which is better for Getting Jobs Fast?

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I see lots of students getting confuse on what course to read for their master degree program.

Msc or Professional masters?

They dont know.

However, I see a lot of people already making wrong career choices.

Youre a result of your choices.

and ONE choice can shape your destiny FOREVER

I will use today to make some things clear about career choices we make.

I observed most applicants don't know the difference between Msc and Professional Masters. and those that do dont know which to pick?

let me clear the air once and for all.

Both are great, depending on your career Path of course.

3 Career Paths You Should Pick From

1. Management Career paths

2. Academics/Research Career paths

3. Expert/Professional/Technical Career paths

You need to decide which path is yours.
However, most fields you need to be an expert first before going into management- Unilag Postgraduate studies has all these figured all.

There are 3 types of masters Degree in Unilag

1. Academic masters  - masters by coursework  e.g M.Sc IRPM
2. Professional masters - masters by coursework e.g MBA
3. Research masters - masters by research e.g M.Phil 

MSC vs Professional:

Academic Masters degrees (M.Sc or M.A.)

1. Academic masters programs consist of advanced studies in an academic discipline. 

2. They provide an introduction to research and advanced study at the doctoral level. 

3. This degree is suitable for people who wish to know more theoretical research concerning their field and work towards a PhD in their area of specialty.

4. MSc/MA is 100% research and academic work. Great for efficos and would be lecturers/researchers/New discoveries

5. This type of masters is by course work.

A Masters by Coursework is a professional qualification involving the study of a specified set of core units and a selection of eligible elective units. Undertaking a coursework program will mean that you will attend classes, complete assignments and sit exams where applicable. 

Some Masters by Coursework also require the completion of a minor thesis as part of the course. Dependent on the course, part-time and online study options are available.

The following are degrees conferred upon completion:
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The M.Phil is intermediate between the other academic master’s degrees and the Doctor of Philosophy. 

Professional degrees. 

1. professional masters degree are most times terminal in nature.

2. They teach career-oriented skills and people who earn professional degrees usually move higher the ladder after graduation. 

3. it focuses on job skills.

4. If you want to use it for doctorate, you will have to go back and do an M.phil or Msc.

5. Professional courses are great if you want to make More money fast - easy to gain employment with these type of courses

6. They are industry-driven courses like MBA, MPIA, MPH, GIS, MFM, MEM, MIT etc

7. Professional courses are great if your path is field work/practical skills is important to you.

8. They are designed for managers and leaders of men, materials and resources

9. You cant use your professional course for lecturing, you must do MSC for that

10. It good to have One professional course on your resume, more relevant and respected by companies, especially if you are in Computer, Business and Engineering fields.

11. More expensive than regular Msc. 

12. Mostly Part time and takes longer duration to complete

13. Professional courses are great if you are an Entrepreneur.

14. Requirement for these degrees are basically 2:2 or even third class in some cases

33 Unilag Professional Courses to chose from

Master of Applied Geophysics (MAG) (Part-Time)
Master of Aquatic Resource & Pollution Management (MARPM) (Part-Time)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Full-Time Part-Time and Executive)
Master of Conflict Management (Part-Time)
Master of Criminology (M.Criminology) (Full -Time and Part-Time)
Master of Development Finance (MDF) (Part-Time)
Master in Diplomacy and Strategic Studies (MDSS) (Part- Time)
Master of Dispute Resolution (Part-Time)
Master of Environmental Management (M.E.M.) (Part-Time)
Master of Facilities Management (MFM) (Part-Time)
Master of Geographic Information System (MGIS) Part-Time
Master of Geoinformatics Information Technology (MGIT) (Full-Time/Part-Time)
Master of Industrial and Labour Relations (MILR) (Part-Time)
Master of Information Technology (M.I.T.) (Part-Time)
Master of International Law and Diplomacy (MILD) (Part-Time)
Master of International Relations & Strategic Studies (MISS)
Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) (Part-Time)
Master of Laws (LL.M) (Full Time/Part Time)
Master of Legal Studies (Part-Time)
Master of Managerial Psychology (MMP) (Part-Time)
Master of Natural Resources Management (MNRM) (Part-Time)
Master of Process Engineering (MPE) (Part-Time)
Master of Professional Ethics (MPE) (Part-Time)
Master of Project Management (MPM) (Part-Time)
Master of Public Administration (MPA) (Part-Time)
Master of Public and International Affairs (MPIA) (Part-Time)
Master of Public Health (MPH) (Full-Time)
Master of Risk Management (MRM) Part-Time
Master in Teaching of French as a Foreign Language (MTFFL) (Part-Time)
Master of Arts in Translation (MTL) (Part-Time)
Masters in Transportation Planning and Management (MTP&M) (Part Time)
Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP)
Master of Urban Design (MUD) (Part-Time)

Get a feel of how the questions are set. See if on a normal day you can attempt them

Let me get your feedback.

if you dont have a copy yet, Request for your copy below: 

faith without works is (..........) fill in the gap

But if I can para-phrase it

faith without works is One-chance

share your comments below


  1. AnonymousMay 27, 2018

    You never listed Master in Public Policy and Research isn't it good as professional course.

    Please reply( And besides how can I get past questions...?

    1. its was an oversight..its a very good course

  2. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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