
How To Choose a Career Based on Your Purpose, Interest and Expertise

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I had lots of questions over this past week from my readers who intend applying for their masters degrees 

Many of them really seems confuse and want to know what to do about their peculiar case.

This is very understandable as the future is changing...

and your Bsc degree alone wont cut it any more...

especially if you read a course you were not very happy with.

To help such prospective candidates, I have decided to do a series on

"How to choose a career based on your purpose, interest and expertise"

This series will benefit those going for undergraduate but its mostly tailored towards to how to choose a postgraduate course that fits you.

Each of us falls into 6 interest areas, each with its own set of typical work tasks, roles, and values.

Some of these interest areas will appeal to you, while others will be less attractive.

Choosing a career which is a good match for your interest profile ensures that you enjoy your daily work and get satisfaction out of your accomplishments.

When a fish swims, it does it effortlessly, because that is how its designed to work

When Lionel Messi plays football, its seamless, it makes it look natural, that its area.

Can you imagine Messi or Ronaldo working in GTB as a branch manager looking for deposits?

its called abuse of purpose.

when purpose is not known abuse is inevitable.

Here are the 6 areas i will be covering in this series, try to locate your career from these.

The Six Interest Areas

Each of the six interest areas describes a cluster of related work tasks and activities.

People who are drawn to each of these interest areas tend to have certain characteristics, preferences, and personality traits in common.

1. Builders

Building jobs involve the use of tools, machines, or physical skill. Builders like working with their hands and bodies, working with plants and animals, and working outdoors.

I will cover how to know youre a builder and the type of courses you should go for and type of skills you should cultivate to become the best in what you do.

I will also share the types of jobs role that are suited for a builder.

2. Thinkers:

Thinking jobs involve theory, research, and intellectual inquiry. Thinkers like working with ideas and concepts, and enjoy science, technology, and academia.

I will cover how to know youre a thinker and the type of courses you should go for and type of skills you should cultivate to become the best in what you do.

I will also share the types of jobs role that are suited for a thinker.

3. Creator
Creating jobs involve art, design, language, and self-expression. Creators like working in unstructured environments and producing something unique.

I will cover how to know youre a Creator and the type of courses you should go for and type of skills you should cultivate to become the best in what you do.

I will also share the types of jobs role that are suited for a Creator.

4. Helper
Helping jobs involve assisting, teaching, coaching, and serving other people. Helpers like working in cooperative environments to improve the lives of others.

I will cover how to know youre a Helper and the type of courses you should go for and type of skills you should cultivate to become the best in what you do.

I will also share the types of jobs role that are suited for a Helper.

5. Persuader
Persuading jobs involve leading, motivating, and influencing others. Persuaders like working in positions of power to make decisions and carry out projects.

I will cover how to know youre a Persuader and the type of courses you should go for and type of skills you should cultivate to become the best in what you do.

I will also share the types of jobs role that are suited for a Persuader.

6. Organizer
Organizing jobs involve managing data, information, and processes. Organizers like to work in structured environments to complete tasks with precision and accuracy.

I will cover how to know youre a Organizer and the type of courses you should go for and type of skills you should cultivate to become the best in what you do.

I will also share the types of jobs role that are suited for a Organizer.

Look forward to part two of this series, as I break down each of these career interest.

To get started with your masters program with University of Lagos -UNILAG.


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