
Unilag Msc Result: Status is STEP DOWN- - Meaning, implications & What Next?

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This year Unilag Postgraduate Result is generating a lot of talk time in the news, social media and fora.

My blog has been receiving loads of calls and feedback concerning worried students and their love ones.

Thanks for all the comments and questions being poured in from all my readers concerning the issues raised in these series of Unilag result analysis.

If you have not read the previous series you may do well to read them as they are very expository and may help you in your judgment and decision making.




Someone wrote a few days ago

" Mr Dan thanks for this eye opening info, now I know what to do with my status"

That is the purpose of these series.

to enable you and give you the power of action and judgement.

Now over to today series - STEP DOWN STATUS

Like its twin sister - Not qualified, they bear some similarities, however, these has more to do with formality than legality.

Not qualified has to do with eligibility from the set go, but this is a bit twisted and when you have it in your result comment its really a cause of concern.

 So what does step down really denote?

 Step down from where or what?

 Can it be resolved?

 What  it mean you did not pass the exams or meet the cut of mark?

 We shall be looking at all these today in this post

I will do an analysis soon on the results watch out for it.
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There is one of five status attached to each score depending on the cut off marks set by the dept.

The five status which I treated in-depth in this post are

1. Recommended STATUS

2. NOT Recommended STATUS

3. NOT Qualified STATUS



I will use this post to treat STEP DOWN.

How To Check :

log in to Spgs Unilag website and input your reg nos and surname better still just follow the link below to access the page:


You actually passed the exams, but after checking your documents and application, you were step down from admission until the cases against you are rectified, if not the admission is gone.

So get it straight, You passed the exams and also beat the cut off points
You are supposed to be recommended i.e your name in admission list.

But you were now STEP DOWN for the course you chose. Because of any of the following:

1. you are eligible but not have the qualification, e.g you have 3rd class instead of 2:2 for msc biochem
2. your school is not recognized. e.g a satellite school applying
3. you applied for msc instead of pgd. e.g MA English applying for Msc mass comm instead of pgd Mass comm
4. Your application is faulty - you did not chose school, no Bsc filled, or grade notified. any problem with the form steps you down
5. Your course is related but not covered in the brochure for those to apply for this course


Those boys who are helped you during application in campus during application stage may never noticed this discrepancies as they are technical issues only
a postgraduate degree holder who has gone through Unilag admission process can see or detect these.

So always ask those who wants to help you fill your form, if they have gone through the system.


 You MAY still get the admission but very very tiny chance
 you were very careless in your application and so may pay a big price for it
 The department will be waiting for you to come and clear some things/irregularity noticed in your application

WHAT's Next:

1. Go to the dept and see if you can rectify any of the issues raised, sometimes you with some clarification you may be let off the hook and given your admission
2. If you cannot which is likely the case most times, you take proper note and move ahead
3. Ask for options open to you with this situation
4. Prepare for next year exams or go apply for another school Postgraduate program with a lot of thoughtfulness

NEXT --> My Result Status is NOT SET- What Next?

lets know what you scored below and your status in the comment session.
If STEP DOWN I can show you what to do.

just let me know below.


  1. 52, and not recommended, i applied for mass communication. Pls what is their cut off mark

    1. the cut off is 60. did you apply for PT? if not see if you change to PT

  2. Please what is the cut-off for MBA full-time and part-time?!

  3. Thank you so much for the updates Mr. Dan. Please what is the cut off for MBA full time and Executive?

  4. i got 50 and it was not recommended, i applied for MIT but checking it again now i saw step down. what is the cut of mark for MIT and what can i do.

  5. msc system engineering. score 69.41.
    was told to step down

  6. Hello Unilag google, thank you for this information. It was very helpful. Please what do I do next. Got the stepped down status with a score of 82.32

  7. My results is not set I don't understand why

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