
Unilag Postgraduate/Msc 2016/2017: 51 Examination Formats and Question Types PART 3

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We started series some weeks back. and has generated lots of buzz among our readers.

if you missed them read previous series below:



Today we have a closure on this series.



2. has 3 sessions. A, B and C

THE exam comprised of 3 sections,
section A
maths - 25
english - 50.
section C
GP - 25
(past questions shld guide u on this)

3. Some DEPT WILL still ask on your core course questions e.g G&C questions for G&C candidates only

4. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Advised from current M.ED FOUNDATION student:
work time as there is no time and questions are very confusing.

Area of problem for candidates Maths and the proposed essays
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and SS3 basic Maths text will help


2. 150 questions 1:30mins answer 100.
3. consisting of bacteriology, virology, mycology, medical parasitology, infection, diseases and host etc
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 88%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and environmental questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths will help


PGD CHEMICAL Engineering Candidates

1. Will do a Paper exams
2. Normally between 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of PHYSICS CHEMISTRY AND MATHS, some English
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. NO calculator, but take it along
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%

Advised from current PGD Chemical student:
Read elementary SS1, SS2, and SS3 physics, chemistry and Maths.

Area of problem for candidates: Physics and maths
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and focus on the basics

M.Sc. Operations Research Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of Business-maths
English and OR questions
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and OR questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths also if you can lay ur hands on OR books


PGD Economics/M.Sc. Economics Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 50 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of Economics questions ONLY- fiscal policy and public enterprise, theory of firm/industry organization
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%

Area of problem for candidates: Micro and Macro economics calculation. Marginal cost, Total cost, GDP calculations, theory of firm/industry organization etc
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic econs textbooks

SYSTEMS Engineering Candidates

1. Will do a Paper exams
2. Normally between 100 questions
3. consisting of FURTHER Maths, Engineering questions you choose
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Only Both Obj
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%
6. questions are based on the general systems course

Area of problem for candidates: Further maths and general systems questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic Further maths, Physics and Your course

M.Sc. Estate Management Candidates

1. Paper  exams
2. Normally 100 questions 1 hour
3. consisting of Maths and English only
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 85%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths questions and time
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths

CIVIL Engineering Candidates

1. Will do a Paper exams
2. Normally 40 questions
3. consisting of FURTHER Maths, Civil Engineering questions you choose
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Only Both Obj
5. Repetition of questions is about 100%
6. questions are based on the options course chosen

Area of problem for candidates: Further maths and specialization questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic Further maths, Physics and Your course
repitition of past questions since 3 years is 100%, word for word

PGD/M.Sc. Mass Communication candidates

1. Will do a CBT exams
2. Normally between 100 questions
3. consisting of 3 sessions,

current Affairs

For PGD its just current afiars and english
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Normally Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 90%

Area of problem for candidates: specialization areas and english was very tough last years 2015
The current affairs is current as in currently current within the last 3months to the exams date
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and Media and PRO basi

Masters FACILITY Management Candidates

1. Paper exams
2. Normally 100 questions 1 hour
3. consisting of Maths and English only
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 85%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths questions and time
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths

MBA Candidates

1. Will do a CBT exams computer based test
2. Normally 70 Questions for 50 Mins
3. consisting of Business-maths, English and Current affairs
(bet questions on terrorist, health issues, Last Elections, political players and Unilag etc)
4. Normally Obj questions
5. No use of calculators
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%
(past questions should guide u on this)

Area of problem for candidates: for last year its was english as most candidtaes were taken unawares of the english analogy questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers, basic business maths and listen to NEWS and follow the materials i will recommend and send to the Online class.

MILR/IRPM candidates

1. CBT exams all will do same exams
2. Normally 60 questions
3. consisting of Business-maths(20),
English (20) and labour-human resources questions(20)
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Normally Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 85%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and Human resource questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths also if you can lay ur hands on HR books

M.Sc. Management Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of Business-maths
English and management questions 20 qrts each
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and management questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths also if you can lay ur hands on Mgt books

M.Sc. Marketing Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of Business-maths
English and marketing questions 20 questions each
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and marketing questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths also if you can lay ur hands on basic marketing books

Environmental Chemistry Candidates

1. still paper but likely CBT exams this year
2. Normally 30 questions 2 hours
3. consisting of purely organic related chemistry questions
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. fill in the blank or state principle or list type of questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: organic chemistry, definitions, balancing reactions etc

MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic text will help

M.Sc Pol Sci candidates

1. did CBT and theory exams in 2015
2. Normally between 50 questions - theory was 4 questions asnwer 2
3. consisting of Grammar, current affairs, Political questions
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. OBJ questions and theory
5. Repetition of questions is about 60%

Area of problem for candidates: Theory questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and Current Affairs

PGD Accounting/M.Sc. Accounting Candidates

1. Will do a CBT exams computer based test
2. Normally 60 Questions for 45 Mins
3. consisting of maths, English and Current affairs and accounting 20:20:10:10
4. Obj questions
5. No use of calculators
5. Repetition of questions is about 60%
(past questions should guide u on this)

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and accounting questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers, basic business maths and listen to NEWS and follow the materials i will recommend and send to the Online class


MECHANICAL Engineering Candidates

1. Will do a Paper exams
2. Normally between 40 questions
3. consisting of FURTHER Maths, Engineering questions you choose
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Only Both Obj
5. Repetition of questions is about 90%
6. questions are based on the specializations chosen

Area of problem for candidates: Further maths and mechanical questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic Further maths, Physics and Your course

M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry

1. still paper but likely CBT exams this year
2. Normally 30 questions 2 hours
3. consisting of purely analytical chemistry questions
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. fill in the blank or state principle or list type of questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: organic chemistry, definitions, balancing reactions etc MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic text will help

M.Sc. Chemistry Candidates

1. still paper but likely CBT exams this year
2. Normally 30 questions 2 hours
3. consisting of purely chemistry questions-- periodic tables, bonds, compounds, laws and calculations under them
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. fill in the blank or state principle or list type of questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: organic chemistry, definitions, pressure, volume calculations
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic text will help

MEM candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 50 questions 1 hours
3. consisting of algebra maths, English 30: 20 (past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 88%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths will help

If you are interested in joining the STUDY GROUP and you need the Past questions get it below:


Any questions you have send your comment below, will address it within 24 hours.



Unilag Postgraduate/Msc 2016/2017: 51 Examination Formats and Question Types PART 2

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WE Started the exams guide format series and many people loved it.

So we continued this week on UNILAG POSTGRADUATE EXAMS GUIDE FORMAT 2.

If you didn't see SERIES 1 and you which to CLICK HERE to read it.



Msc Computer candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 60 questions for 50mins
3. consisting of computer programming, data structures, data mgt etc,
(past questions shld guide u on this but also get materials for computer)
4. Normally Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 60%
6. Calculator was not allowed

Area of problem for candidates: timing and  most candidates were perplexed with the deep computer data n programming questions

Read Past Q and Answers and basic computer knowledge

MPIA Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 50 -60 questions 50 mins
3. consisting of CA, Political science, Economics, Geography, psychology etc questions
(past questions should guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 50%
6. main focus should be: Current Affairs. and read wide

Advice from a current student:
Not everyone had the same test even though we were writing the same exam. My friend's questions were not exactly the same questions I had. It's really not easy to cheat.

Area of problem for candidates: international relations and policies
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and join the online group as a current UNILAG MPIA student would be coaching the team.

M.Sc. Philosophy Candidates

1. Written Exams both Objective and Theory
2. about 100 questions 2 1/2 hours answer all
3. consisting of General paper including English but no maths (Objective) and Theory (Core course) Five questions answer 3 in theory and General paper
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. no calculator allowed
5. Repetition of questions is about 50%

advise from current Pg student:
Focus on the basis, fundamental issues in philosophy, read generally on core areas and be familiar with current/past affairs in Nigeria

work with emphasis on Ethics, Epistemology, Social and Political philosophy, African Philosophy and other areas in philosophy. But more importantly, do not restrict yourself but read widely.

Area of problem for candidates: fundamental issues in philosophy
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic philosophy textbooks

LLM candidates

1. Will do a CBT exams
2. Normally between 60 questions FOR 1HR
3. consisting of LAW related, business law, secretaries, cases, dates, directors, legal systems etc
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Only OBJ questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 60%
6. You will have ORAL interview after the CBT exams, just normal chat

Advise from current LLM student:
Know the principles and cases involved more of theory than what is obtain in practice

Area of problem for candidates: latest current affairs in LAW. focus on 200 ans 300 level law materials, cases and principles involved
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and Current Affairs/cases


1. Will do a written test
2. Paper separated in 2015.
3. 3 questions to be answered from EITHER section A, B or C.
3. time is 2hours
4. consisting of Grammar, prose and phonetics and literature was drama, poetry and Novel questions.
5. Repetition of questions is about 40%
(past questions should guide u on this)

Advised from current MA student:
One needs to reads d necessary topics under phonetics n
phonology,semantic,and essay writing for LANGUAGE students

Area of problem for candidates: phonetics n phonology,semantic
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers, and a good English textbook will do.



1. Will do a CBT exams
2. Normally between 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of English, Math, Sports, Current affairs, Politics, Statistics
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. calculator not allowed in 2015
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%

Advised from current MRM student:
What is the main thing to focus on to pass these exams?
Interpretation of phrases, vocabularies, Synonyms, Statistics, maths, finance & accounting etc.

Area of problem for candidates: Maths
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths and English textbooks


1. Last year was Paper exams
2. 60 obj questions 1 hour
3. Consisting of purely chemistry questions only, fill in the gap type and list , name and define type of questions
(past questions shld guide u on this)
5. Repetition of questions is about 60%
6. calculator was allowed

Area of problem for candidates: Not well prepared
from current students:
make good use of d past questions, it helps a great deal

My Advise:
Read Past Q and Answers follow the online class discussion very helpful

M.Sc Construction Management Candidates.

1. for 2015 Exams did a written exams
2. Normally between 60 questions for 1 hour
(past questions should guide u on this)
4. Objectives and fill in the gab type of questions
5. calculator allowed
6. there was oral interview after the exams

Advised from current CONSTRUCTION MGT student:
what should they read apart from past questions?

What is the main thing to focus on to pass these exams?

Area of problem for candidates: building and construction management questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and construction management questions


1. Did a paper exams last year 2015
2. 100-150 questions for 1 hours T or F type
3. consisting of Core pharmacology, cell structures, organism life, diseases etc
4. Exam done during the weekday
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%
(past questions should guide u on this)

Area of problem for candidates: Time and how to answer the questions- cell structures, organism life, diseases questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers, practice all topics in the course content especially 100L and 200L

M.Sc.PH/MPH Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. How many questions - 60
2. How many hours/time allowed – 50 – 60mins
3. consisting of purely--CLINICAL, OCCUPATIONAL, PUBLIC HEALTH, STATISTICS. community health questions- preventive health care/Mgt, diseases, cures, treatment, Medical STATISTICS, Epidemiology
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. calculator allowed in the hall
5. Repetition of questions is about 85%
6. What should they read apart from past questions? BASIC PUBLIC HEALTH FOR PRIMARIES,

Advised from current Msc student:
BASIC PUBLIC HEALTH FOR PRIMARIES and statistics, be curent with world diseases

Area of problem for candidates: Most MSC students find it very confusing as they have no prior knowledge of these areas.- Medical STATISTICS, Epidemiology is the real issues. as you calculate frequency, variances, median, mode, studies etc

MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic community health textbooks. read more about Medical STATISTICS, Epidemiology Do topical readings



1. CBT exams in 2015
2. Normally 60 questions for 1 hr
3. consisting of purely maths and english and General paper
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. simple maths and english
5. Repetition of questions is about 80%

Advised from current PGDE student:
Maths should be handled last. first deal with the English questions. as there is no time

Area of problem for candidates: MATHS use simple SS3 maths textbook plus the past questions

M.Sc. Psychology Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 100 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of psychology questions, logic and reasoning
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 85%

Area of problem for candidates: reasoning questions and psycho-graphics
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and psychology text

Master of Process Engineering Candidates

1. Will do a Paper exams
2. Normally between 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of PHYSICS CHEMISTRY AND MATHS, some English
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. NO calculator, but take it along
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%

Advised from current MPE student:
Read elementary SS3 or 100 level physics, chemistry and Maths.

Area of problem for candidates: Physics and maths
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and focus on the basics

M.Sc. Organizational Behaviour Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of Business-maths
English and OB questions 20 questions each. HR and team, work n groups topics
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and OB questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths also if you can lay ur hands on HR books

M.Sc. Physics candidates

1. Will do a Paper exams
2. Normally between 50 questions
3. consisting of 5 major areas, 10 questions from these areas.
classical mechanics, heat, electricity, nuclear physics, electromagnetic
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Only Obj
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%
6. exam is on weekday

Area of problem for candidates: nuclear physics, electromagnetic
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic SS3 PHYSICS text. OKEKE will do

ELECTRICAL Engineering Candidates

1. Will do a Paper exams
2. last year 120 questions 40 each of power, control, telecomm and electronics
3. consisting of FURTHER Maths, Engineering questions from all field
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. Only Both Obj
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%
6. questions are based on the electrical course option chosen

Area of problem for candidates: Further maths and electrical specialization questions
I have the BEST ECLASS for this course as the team is Hot and tearing the questions to pieces.
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic Further maths, Physics and THERAJA textbook will do



If you are interested in joining the STUDY GROUP and you need the Past questions get it below:


Any questions you have send your comment below, will address it within 24 hours.

Unilag Postgraduate/Msc 2016/2017: 51 Examination Formats and Question Types

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As candidates get ready for the Unilag Postgraduate examinations, I thought it wise to help you with the exams formats to guide your reading.

Exams date is not out yet, it will be sent to you on your phone after the end of this application exercise.

The dates are likely to be end of September. so keep reading my blog post for updates that is all i will say for now, will brief  my inner classroom with  more details I know.

Unilag has a habit of postponing exams to distabilise students, either by design or ignorance, students every year fall for it.

This year will not be exempted.   dont fall for the trap.

if I were you this is the time to prepare very well.


Start doing review of the past questions now, join in the class discussion, and contribute, it will boost your confidence.

It will be too painful to find out that the exams papers was in your palm or Laptop all this while and you did nothing about it.

Your sponsor wont find it funny o.

MY Top 5 Classes of the Week from the ONLINE CLASS are:

1. MPH/MSc Public Health
2. Msc Env toxicology
3. PGDE/Edu Planning
4. Electrical Engineering
5. MBA

Bravo guys! keep digging it, soon the result will show.

After exams will host u guys at 4-Point or where?
only for those who got admitted sha.

From my 5 years experience in these exams and plotting a trend analysis, this is how the exams will go this year.

hope it helps your prep.

Meanwhile lets take the news...


News in Brief:

1. Exam Pass is also called Acknowledgement slip, its not ready yet. it will be about a week to exams, so don't print it yet and dont fret too.

2. Application Forms will close 29th JULY  But I know it will be extended by 2 or 3 more weeks.

3. I will send you cut-off marks you need to work towards. check my next posts

4. Transcript is not needed now for Application, its needed for REGISTRATION, which is after admission, so pls forget it and read for exams.

5. Payment Online is better than paying cash in Bank. my opinion though

when using online payment option, PLEASE USE INTER SWITCH. Total fee is = N22500.

6. You do not need to submit hardcopy to the department. its not necessary. don't let anyone lie to you that it is. This is a recurrent issue for the last 3 years.

many got admission and are in class now, who did not submit to the department.

know this

a. PG School is in charge of the exams
b. Department is in charge of admission.

if you dont have your original cert and Nysc DISCHARGE, the dept will not accept your forms, and discourage you.

but actually its the ONLINE SUBMISSION that determines if you write the exams or not.

7. if you have your Original cert, you do not need transcript anymore. Tell others

8. Transcript is only for those who apply with statement, after they get admission

9. passport size is not cast in stone. just make sure its normal size and fit into the document

10. You payed in bank and still cant login. please wait after 24 hours and try again

11. some courses are not available, pls don't chose them- geology, geophysics, MELS, occasional, etc

12. Your Ref Nos is your matric number until u do your matriculation, so guide it jealously

13. calculator was not allowed last year exams. but it seems it was an error in the part of PG school. so practice with one

13. its not late to join my e-class. infact this is the time to join. The discount is still on

14. serving corp members who will pop in September/October can apply. Just upload your callup letter in place for Nysc discharge


Now back to business


51 PG Exams formats


MPA Candidates

1. Did a paper and CBTexams last year 2015 and may likely do same this time so prepare for both
2. last year 5 theory Questions to answer 2 for 1hr
3. consisting of Current affairs and political burning issues relating to governance, security, corruption etc
4. last year was theory n obj
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%
(past questions theory and obj should guide u on this)

Advise from a current MPA student:
Read widely on current national issues

Area of problem for candidates: Time and how to answer the questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers, practice essay writing on critical national issues, read the editorial of daily newspapers for masterpiece will greatly help.

M.Sc. Biochemistry CANDIDATES

1. Did a paper exams last year 2014
2. 300 questions for 2 hours T or F type
3. consisting of Core biochem questions
4. Exam done during the weekday
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%
(past questions should guide u on this)

Area of problem for candidates: Time and how to answer the questions. None unilag grad are usually confused dont know how to start as the answers looks same.
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers, practice all topics in the course content especially 100L and 200L


1. CBT exams this year
2. Normally 30 questions for 30minutes
3. consisting of purely maths and English
(past questions should guide u on this)
4. simple maths and english
5. Repetition of questions is about 85%
6. Calculator was not allowed

Advised from current EDU ADMIN & Planning student:
Maths should be handled last. first deal with the English questions. as there is no time

Area of problem for candidates: MATHS use simple SS3 maths textbook plus the past questions


1. Did a paper exams last year 2015
2. 100 questions for 1 hours T or F type
3. consisting of Core pharmacognosy, drugs , diseases, organism related questions
4. Exam done during the weekday
5. Repetition of questions is about 70%
(past questions should guide u on this)

Area of problem for candidates: Time and how to answer the questions- Core pharmacognosy, drugs questions

MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers, practice all topics in the course content especially 100L and 200L


1. Paper exams
2. Normally 30-40 questions 30 minutes
3. consisting of algebra maths, English and general paper 15:12:8 (past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 80%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths will help



3. consisting of cuurent socio economics ISSUEs
4. Repetition of questions is about 60%

Area of problem for candidates: socio issues to write on
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and read wide


3. consisting of cuurent socio economics ISSUEs
4. Repetition of questions is about 60%

Area of problem for candidates: socio issues to write on
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and read wide

MIT candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 70 questions for 50mins
3. consisting of computer basic questions(20%),
English (40%) and deep mathematics(40%)
(past questions shld guide u on this but also get materials for computer basics)
4. Normally Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 60%
6. Calculator was not allowed

Area of problem for candidates: timing and mathematics, as most candidates were perplexed with the maths questions

Read Past Q and Answers and basic computer knowledge also n advance math book

M.Sc. Production/Operations Management Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of Business-maths
English and production questions 25, 25 and 10 in that proportion
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 75%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and production questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths also if you can lay ur hands on production books

Masters in Transportation Planning and Management

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 50 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of current transportaion issues and bodies in lagos espaecially and world current affairs
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 99%

Area of problem for candidates: world current affairs

Master PROJECT  Management Candidates

1. Paper exams
2. Normally 100 questions 1 hour
3. consisting of Maths and English, project mgt, constructions constructions
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 85%

Area of problem for candidates: Maths questions and time
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths

M.Sc Operations Research Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of Business-maths English only 30:30
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 50%
6. calculator forbidden

Area of problem for candidates: Maths and analogy questions
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and basic maths

M.Sc/PGD Finance Candidates

1. CBT exams
2. Normally 60 questions 45 mins
3. consisting of 40 corporate finance and 20 economics questions
(past questions shld guide u on this)
4. all Obj questions
5. Repetition of questions is about 50%
6. No calculator used last year

Area of problem for candidates: calculator used as the questions were solvable with calculatrs only. failurate rate was very high
MY ADVISE: READ PAST Q and Answers and access our eclass for materials



If you are interested in joining the STUDY GROUP and you need the Past questions get it below:


Any questions you have send your comment below, will address it within 24 hours.

[Unilag Pg 2016 APPLICATION] - Available courses for 2016 admission

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Since the release of the Unilag Post graduate 2016/2017 form Application Form on Monday 13th June 2016 more people are more confused than ever.

issues raised:

1. am i eligible
2. still serving
3. i only have statement of result
4. when do i get transcript sent
5. will they accept a pass in my o levels

I will treat all the issues on my next post,  the circle repeats itself every year.

Now, Unilag has loaded all its courses. Find the available courses here anyone not here, please don't apply for it.


Ensure that the programme you wish to apply for is available before proceeding.
You will only be able to apply for programmes on this list.

Application fees may not be refunded if you make payment and the programme you wish to apply for is not on this list



Master of Art in English Language (Full Time)
Master of Art in English Language (Part Time)
Master of Art in English Literature (Full Time)
Master of Art in English Literature (Part Time)
Master of Art in Igbo (Language Option) (Full Time)
Master of Art in Igbo (Literature Option) (Full Time)
Master of Art in Philosophy (Full Time)
Master of Art in Yoruba (Language Option) (Full Time)
Master of Art in Yoruba (Literature Option) (Full Time)
Master of Arts in French (Full Time)
Master of Arts in History and Strategic Studies
Master of Arts in Music (Ethnomusicology) (Full Time)
Master of Arts in Music (Music Education) (Full Time)
Master of Arts in Music (Music Psychology) (Full Time)
Master of Arts in Music (Theory and Composition) (Full Time)
Master of Arts in Teaching of French as a Foreign Language (Part Time)
Master of Arts in Theatre Arts (Arts of the Theatre) (Full Time)
Master of Arts in Theatre Arts (Design and Management) (Full Time)
Master of Arts in Theatre Arts (Dramatic Theory and Criticism) (Full Time)
Master of Arts in Theatre Arts (Theatre History) (Full Time)
Master of Arts in Visual Arts (Arts Education) (Full Time)
Master of Arts in Visual Arts (Arts History) (Full Time)


Master of Education in Adult Education (Sandwich)
Master of Education in Adult Education Management (Full Time)
Master of Education in Biology Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Business Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Chemistry Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Chemistry Education (Sandwich)
Master of Education in Community Development and Social Work (Full Time)
Master of Education in Community Development and Social Work (Sandwich)
Master of Education in Comparative Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Curriculum Theory (Full Time)
Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (Sandwich)
Master of Education in Economics Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Economics Education (Sandwich)
Master of Education in Educational Administration and Planning (Full Time)
Master of Education in Educational Administration and Planning (Part Time)
Master of Education in Educational Psychology (Full Time)
Master of Education in Educational Psychology (Sandwich)
Master of Education in Educational Technology (Full Time)
Master of Education in Educational Technology (Sandwich)
Master of Education in English Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in English Education (Sandwich)
Master of Education in English Literature Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Exercise Physiology (Full Time)
Master of Education in French Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Guidance and Counselling (Full Time)
Master of Education in Guidance and Counselling (Sandwich)
Master of Education in Health Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Health Education (Sandwich)
Master of Education in History (Full Time)
Master of Education in Manpower Training and Development (Full Time)
Master of Education in Manpower Training and Development (Sandwich)
Master of Education in Mathematics Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Measurement and Evaluation (Full Time)
Master of Education in Measurement and Evaluation (Sandwich)
Master of Education in Philosophy of Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Physics Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Religion Education (CRS) (Full Time)
Master of Education in Religion Education (IRS) (Full Time)
Master of Education in Social Studies (Full Time)
Master of Education in Sociology of Education (Full Time)
Master of Education in Sports Administration/Mgt. (Full Time)
Master of Education in Sports Administration/Mgt. (Sandwich)
Master of Education in Sports Psychology (Full Time)
Master of Education in Sports Psychology (Sandwich)
Master of Education in Yoruba Education (Full Time)


Master of Science in Accounting (Full Time)
Master of Science in Actuarial Science (Full Time)
Master of Science in Actuarial Science (Part Time)
Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry (Full Time)
Master of Science in Anatomy (Full Time)
Master of Science in Applied Entomology and Pest Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Biochemistry (Full Time)
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Master of Science in Botany (Full Time)
Master of Science in Cell Biology and Genetics (Cell and Molecular Biology) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Cell Biology and Genetics (Environmental Biology) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Cell Biology and Genetics (Genetics) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (Full Time)
Master of Science in Chemistry (Full Time)
Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Highways & Traffic Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Highways & Traffic Option) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Structures Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Water Resources Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Clinical Pathology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Clinical Pharmacy (Full Time)
Master of Science in Computer Science (Full Time)
Master of Science in Construction Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Construction Technology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Economics (Full Time)
Master of Science in Economics (Part Time)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Communications Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Control Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Electrical Power Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Electrical Power Option) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Electronics Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Electronics Option) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Environmental Chemistry (Full Time)
Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Estate Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Finance (Full Time)
Master of Science in Finance (Part Time)
Master of Science in Fisheries (Aquaculture) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Fisheries Biology and Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Agricultural Geography Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Biogeography Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Cartography Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Climatology Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Geomorphology Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Geotourism Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Hydrology Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Population Geography Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Regional Planning and Development Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Remote Sensing Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Resource Analysis Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Settlement Geography Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (Transportation Geography Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Geophysics (Full Time)
Master of Science in Haematology & Blood Transfusion (Full Time)
Master of Science in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Management (Part Time)
Master of Science in Marine Biology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Marine Pollution and Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Marketing (Full Time)
Master of Science in Marketing (Part Time)
Master of Science in Mass Communications (Full Time)
Master of Science in Mass Communications (Part Time)
Master of Science in Mathematics (Applied Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Mathematics (Applied Option) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Mathematics (Pure Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Mathematics (Pure Option) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Applied Mechanics Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Design and Production Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Thermofluids Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Medical Microbiology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Medical Parasitology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Medical Physics (Full Time)
Master of Science in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Full Time)
Master of Science in Microbiology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Natural Resources Conservation (Full Time)
Master of Science in Operations Research (Full Time)
Master of Science in Operations Research (Part Time)
Master of Science in Organisational Behaviour (Full Time)
Master of Science in Organisational Behaviour (Part Time)
Master of Science in Parasitology and Bioinformatics (Full Time)
Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Full Time)
Master of Science in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Pharmacognosy (Full Time)
Master of Science in Pharmacology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Physics (Full Time)
Master of Science in Physiology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Physiotherapy (Full Time)
Master of Science in Political Science (Full Time)
Master of Science in Political Science (Occasional) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Production/Operations Management (Full Time)
Master of Science in Production/Operations Management (Part Time)
Master of Science in Psychology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Psychology (Occasional) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Public Health (Epidemiology Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Public Health (Epidemiology Option) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Public Health (General Public Health Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Public Health (General Public Health Option) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Public Health (Health Management Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Public Health (Health Management Option) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Public Health (Medical Statistics Option) (Full Time)
Master of Science in Public Health (Medical Statistics Option) (Part Time)
Master of Science in Quantity Surveying
Master of Science in Risk Management and Insurance (Full Time)
Master of Science in Sociology (Full Time)
Master of Science in Sociology (Part Time)
Master of Science in Statistics (Full Time)
Master of Science in Statistics (Part Time)
Master of Science in Surveying and Geoinformatics (Full Time)
Master of Science in Systems Engineering (Full Time)
Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning (Full Time)


Master in Diplomacy and Strategic Studies
Master in Facilities Management (Part Time)
Master in Project Management (Part Time)
Master in Urban and Regional Planning (Part Time)
Master of Applied Geophysics (Engineering Geophysics Option) (Part Time)
Master of Applied Geophysics (Environmental Geophysics Option) (Part Time)
Master of Applied Geophysics (Exploration Geophysics Option) (Part Time)
Master of Aquatic Resource and Pollution Management (Part Time)
Master Of Business Administration (Executive) (Part Time)
Master Of Business Administration (Full Time)
Master Of Business Administration (Part Time)
Master of Conflict Management
Master of Criminology (Full Time)
Master of Criminology (Part Time)
Master of Development Finance (Part Time)
Master of Dispute Resolution
Master of Environmental Design (Full Time)
Master of Environmental Design (Part Time)
Master of Environmental Management
Master of Geographic Information System (Part Time)
Master of Geoinformatics Information Technology (Full Time)
Master of Geoinformatics Information Technology (Part Time)
Master of Industrial and Labour Relation (Part Time)
Master of Information Technology (Part Time)
Master of International Law and Diplomacy
Master of International Relations and Strategic Studies (Part Time)
Master of Landscape Architecture (Part Time)
Master of Laws (Full Time)
Master of Laws (Part Time)
Master of Legal Studies
Master of Managerial Psychology (Part Time)
Master of Natural Resource Management (Part Time)
Master of Process Engineering (Part Time)
Master of Public Administration (Part Time)
Master of Public and International Affairs (Part Time)
Master of Public Health (Full Time)
Master of Research and Public Policy
Master of Risk Management
Master of Security and Intelligence Studies (Part Time)
Master of Transportation Planning and Management (Part Time)


Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Anaesthesia (Full Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Cell Biology and Genetics (Forensic Biology)
Postgraduate Diploma in Cell Biology and Genetics (Genetic Counseling)
Postgraduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering (Engineering Graduates) (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering (Non - Engineering Graduates) (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Economics (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Full Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Sandwich)
Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Administration and Planning (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Electrical/Electronics (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in English Language (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Design (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Finance (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Communications & Navigation (PGD-MC)
Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Environmental Studies (PGD-ME)
Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communications (Full Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communications (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematics (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Music (Full Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics (Part Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying and Geoinformatics (Full Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Theatre Arts (Full Time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Visual Arts (Full Time)



Career in Forensic Accounting - Options and Opportunities

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Forensic accounting is the branch of accounting which utilize principles of accounting, auditing and investigation skills to handle legal matters. Its main function is to investigate and analyze financial records of any client or firm who are involved in a legal dispute. It mainly consists of 3 areas- litigation (law suit) support, investigation and dispute resolution.

Professionals in this field are known as Forensic accountants. They apply their knowledge of accounting, law and finance and investigative techniques to determine whether an activity is legal or illegal. Forensic accountant is an experienced auditor who acts as a watch dog of accounts of the organisation, to keep check of the frauds. Forensic accountant has various other roles to play such as an accountant, detective and legal expert.

Performance and growth of industry in NIGERIA

Increase in the rate of crimes, such as banking and investments embezzlement, securities fraud has increased the demand of professionals who have strong analytical, investigative skills and are expert in this field.

In Nigeraia, in the wake of the war against corruption, demand for forensic accountants have gone up. Forensic accounting is one of the highly paid jobs in the world, but here in Nigeria, not muh is heard about it except for high profile cases. But now, the demand for forensic accountants is exceeding the supply which has given a wide scope to the professionals in this field.

Forensic Accounting firms are everywhere and will exist as long as human beings exist, but here in Nigeria, consulting firms like KPMG and co are begining to look deep into this are for the Nigeria market the science of Forensic Accountancy, which is a unique blend of education and experience in applying Accounting, Auditing and Investigative Skills to Uncover Truth, Form Legal Opinions and to Assist in Litigation Support.

IFA Members provides assistance on cases which are primarily related to calculation and estimation of Economic Damages and Related Issues including White-collar Crimes. Forensic Accounting is the latest additional profile to the accountant’s business portfolio. There is an increasing demand for Forensic Accountant’s services and our experience has shown that this demand needs Qualified Forensic Accountants that are developed at a Professional Level and made available to the public.

Forensic Accountants often assist in professional negligence claims where they are assess and comment on the work of other professionals. Forensic Accountants are also engaged in marital disputes by analyzing lifestyle for spousal support purposes, determining income available for child support and equitable distribution of finance. Engagements relating to criminal matters typically arise in the aftermath of fraud and  Forensic Accountants are frequently involved in the assessment of accounting systems, policies and accounts presentation—in essence, to assess professionally whether if the numbers reflect the reality.

Our trained forensic accountants specialized in forensic analytic s which is the procurement and analysis of electronic data to reconstruct, detect, or otherwise support a claim of financial fraud.

The main steps in forensic analytic s are:
 (a) data collection,
(b) data preparation,
(c) data analysis, and
(d) reporting.

For example, forensic analytic s may be used to review an employee’s purchasing card activities in order to assess whether any of the purchases were diverted for personal use.

Forensic Accountants  handle cases related to litigation support, business failure causation, personal injury claims, fraud, construction claims,  intellectual property damages, patent infringement damages, post-acquisition disputes,  royalty audits, etc.

Options and Opportunities

Forensic Accountants has huge opportunities in this field as the demand of such professionals is high as compared to the supply. Forensic Accountants are required in most of the major accounting firms for

1. investigating mergers and acquisitions,
2. specialized audits
3. civil litigation support,
4. economic crime investigations,
5. tax investigations
6. terrorist investigations.
7. divorce disputes,
8. business carelessness investigation claims, and
9. personal injury claims.
10. Economic damages calculations, whether suffered through tort or breach of contract;
11. Business/Employee fraud investigations ;
12. Financial/Securities frauds;
13. Business interruptions/Business failures;
14. Computer forensics/e-discovery ;
15. Discovery of hidden assets ;
16. Professional negligence ;

Courses Available

- Post Graduate Diploma in Forensic Accounting
- Certificate Course in Forensic Accounting Professional
- Certified Anti-Money laundering Expert
- Certified Bank Forensic Accounting
- Certified Vigilance and Investigation Expert

Qualification required

In order to be a Certified Forensic Accountant one must meet the following criteria:
- Graduate Degree from the Recognized University.
- Professional Experience of at least three years
- Pass the IFA examination conducted by forensic  body with at leat 75% marks

Some good institutes

- The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi (Delhi)
- The Institute of Forensic Accountants (IFA) Nigeria
-Institute of Certified Forensic Accountants  USA

Career in Forensic Accounting - Options and Opportunities

blogger templatesblogger widgets


Forensic accounting is the branch of accounting which utilize principles of accounting, auditing and investigation skills to handle legal matters. Its main function is to investigate and analyze financial records of any client or firm who are involved in a legal dispute. It mainly consists of 3 areas- litigation (law suit) support, investigation and dispute resolution.

Professionals in this field are known as Forensic accountants. They apply their knowledge of accounting, law and finance and investigative techniques to determine whether an activity is legal or illegal. Forensic accountant is an experienced auditor who acts as a watch dog of accounts of the organisation, to keep check of the frauds. Forensic accountant has various other roles to play such as an accountant, detective and legal expert.

Performance and growth of industry in NIGERIA

Increase in the rate of crimes, such as banking and investments embezzlement, securities fraud has increased the demand of professionals who have strong analytical, investigative skills and are expert in this field.

In Nigeraia, in the wake of the war against corruption, demand for forensic accountants have gone up. Forensic accounting is one of the highly paid jobs in the world, but here in Nigeria, not muh is heard about it except for high profile cases. But now, the demand for forensic accountants is exceeding the supply which has given a wide scope to the professionals in this field.

Forensic Accounting firms are everywhere and will exist as long as human beings exist, but here in Nigeria, consulting firms like KPMG and co are begining to look deep into this are for the Nigeria market the science of Forensic Accountancy, which is a unique blend of education and experience in applying Accounting, Auditing and Investigative Skills to Uncover Truth, Form Legal Opinions and to Assist in Litigation Support.

IFA Members provides assistance on cases which are primarily related to calculation and estimation of Economic Damages and Related Issues including White-collar Crimes. Forensic Accounting is the latest additional profile to the accountant’s business portfolio. There is an increasing demand for Forensic Accountant’s services and our experience has shown that this demand needs Qualified Forensic Accountants that are developed at a Professional Level and made available to the public.

Forensic Accountants often assist in professional negligence claims where they are assess and comment on the work of other professionals. Forensic Accountants are also engaged in marital disputes by analyzing lifestyle for spousal support purposes, determining income available for child support and equitable distribution of finance. Engagements relating to criminal matters typically arise in the aftermath of fraud and  Forensic Accountants are frequently involved in the assessment of accounting systems, policies and accounts presentation—in essence, to assess professionally whether if the numbers reflect the reality.

Our trained forensic accountants specialized in forensic analytic s which is the procurement and analysis of electronic data to reconstruct, detect, or otherwise support a claim of financial fraud.

The main steps in forensic analytic s are:
 (a) data collection,
(b) data preparation,
(c) data analysis, and
(d) reporting.

For example, forensic analytic s may be used to review an employee’s purchasing card activities in order to assess whether any of the purchases were diverted for personal use.

Forensic Accountants  handle cases related to litigation support, business failure causation, personal injury claims, fraud, construction claims,  intellectual property damages, patent infringement damages, post-acquisition disputes,  royalty audits, etc.

Options and Opportunities

Forensic Accountants has huge opportunities in this field as the demand of such professionals is high as compared to the supply. Forensic Accountants are required in most of the major accounting firms for

1. investigating mergers and acquisitions,
2. specialized audits
3. civil litigation support,
4. economic crime investigations,
5. tax investigations
6. terrorist investigations.
7. divorce disputes,
8. business carelessness investigation claims, and
9. personal injury claims.
10. Economic damages calculations, whether suffered through tort or breach of contract;
11. Business/Employee fraud investigations ;
12. Financial/Securities frauds;
13. Business interruptions/Business failures;
14. Computer forensics/e-discovery ;
15. Discovery of hidden assets ;
16. Professional negligence ;

Courses Available

- Post Graduate Diploma in Forensic Accounting
- Certificate Course in Forensic Accounting Professional
- Certified Anti-Money laundering Expert
- Certified Bank Forensic Accounting
- Certified Vigilance and Investigation Expert

Qualification required

In order to be a Certified Forensic Accountant one must meet the following criteria:
- Graduate Degree from the Recognized University.
- Professional Experience of at least three years
- Pass the IFA examination conducted by forensic  body with at leat 75% marks

Some good institutes

- The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi (Delhi)
- The Institute of Forensic Accountants (IFA) Nigeria
-Institute of Certified Forensic Accountants  USA