
Unilag Msc Result: Status is STEP DOWN- - Meaning, implications & What Next?

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This year Unilag Postgraduate Result is generating a lot of talk time in the news, social media and fora.

My blog has been receiving loads of calls and feedback concerning worried students and their love ones.

Thanks for all the comments and questions being poured in from all my readers concerning the issues raised in these series of Unilag result analysis.

If you have not read the previous series you may do well to read them as they are very expository and may help you in your judgment and decision making.




Someone wrote a few days ago

" Mr Dan thanks for this eye opening info, now I know what to do with my status"

That is the purpose of these series.

to enable you and give you the power of action and judgement.

Now over to today series - STEP DOWN STATUS

Like its twin sister - Not qualified, they bear some similarities, however, these has more to do with formality than legality.

Not qualified has to do with eligibility from the set go, but this is a bit twisted and when you have it in your result comment its really a cause of concern.

 So what does step down really denote?

 Step down from where or what?

 Can it be resolved?

 What  it mean you did not pass the exams or meet the cut of mark?

 We shall be looking at all these today in this post

I will do an analysis soon on the results watch out for it.
CLICK HERE to register to receive alert whenever I post new review

There is one of five status attached to each score depending on the cut off marks set by the dept.

The five status which I treated in-depth in this post are

1. Recommended STATUS

2. NOT Recommended STATUS

3. NOT Qualified STATUS



I will use this post to treat STEP DOWN.

How To Check :

log in to Spgs Unilag website and input your reg nos and surname better still just follow the link below to access the page:


You actually passed the exams, but after checking your documents and application, you were step down from admission until the cases against you are rectified, if not the admission is gone.

So get it straight, You passed the exams and also beat the cut off points
You are supposed to be recommended i.e your name in admission list.

But you were now STEP DOWN for the course you chose. Because of any of the following:

1. you are eligible but not have the qualification, e.g you have 3rd class instead of 2:2 for msc biochem
2. your school is not recognized. e.g a satellite school applying
3. you applied for msc instead of pgd. e.g MA English applying for Msc mass comm instead of pgd Mass comm
4. Your application is faulty - you did not chose school, no Bsc filled, or grade notified. any problem with the form steps you down
5. Your course is related but not covered in the brochure for those to apply for this course


Those boys who are helped you during application in campus during application stage may never noticed this discrepancies as they are technical issues only
a postgraduate degree holder who has gone through Unilag admission process can see or detect these.

So always ask those who wants to help you fill your form, if they have gone through the system.


 You MAY still get the admission but very very tiny chance
 you were very careless in your application and so may pay a big price for it
 The department will be waiting for you to come and clear some things/irregularity noticed in your application

WHAT's Next:

1. Go to the dept and see if you can rectify any of the issues raised, sometimes you with some clarification you may be let off the hook and given your admission
2. If you cannot which is likely the case most times, you take proper note and move ahead
3. Ask for options open to you with this situation
4. Prepare for next year exams or go apply for another school Postgraduate program with a lot of thoughtfulness

NEXT --> My Result Status is NOT SET- What Next?

lets know what you scored below and your status in the comment session.
If STEP DOWN I can show you what to do.

just let me know below.

Unilag MSc Result: Status is NOT Qualified - Meaning, implications & What Next?

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The recently released results for University of Lagos postgraduate has generated a lot of buzz.

I have written on recommended status here and Not recommended status here.

if you missed it, clicked the links to check it out.

One of the frustrating status is NOT qualified.  What will make one fall into this category?

Not qualified in what sense?

 Can it be rectified?

 What does it really mean?

 What if you scored high and beat the cut off mark?

 We shall be looking at all these today in this post

I will do an analysis soon on the results watch out for it.
CLICK HERE to register to receive alert whenever I post new review

There is one of five status attached to each score depending on the cut off marks set by the dept.

The five status which I treated in-depth in this post are

1. Recommended STATUS

2. NOT Recommended STATUS

3. NOT Qualified STATUS



I will use this post to treat NOT Qualified.

How To Check :

log in to Spgs Unilag website and input your reg nos and surname better still just follow the link below to access the page:


You passed the exams and also beat the cut off points
You are supposed to be recommended i.e your name in admission list.
But you were not eligible for the course you chose. Because of any of the following:

a. Wrong course e.g BSc accounting applying for Msc Finance
b. Wrong first degree, e.g a HND applying for any Msc courses its disqualified
c. Wrong class of degree, e.g you have a 3rd class and applying for 2:2 min required course
d. Wrong school: not all schools are accredited for Unilag masters


 You will not get the admission - l'll be truthful to you
 To the school you are illegal applicant, so you cant be recommended by any one
 Your money and time has been wasted and forfeited
 This case is a closed one.

WHAT's Next:

1. Go to the department to find out the real reason you were disqualified
2. Ask them to show you proof in the application requirement, if not there or clear, ask them to make it obvious on their site for others to be aware
3. Ask for options open to you with this situation
4. Prepare for next year exams or go apply for another school Postgraduate program

NEXT --; My Result Status is STEP DOWN - What Next?

lets know what you scored below and your status in the comment session.
If not qualified I can show you what to do.

just let me know below.

Unilag Msc Result: Status is NOT Recommended - Meaning, implications & What Next?

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Still on Unilag Pg results released last week Friday.
I wrote on the the meaning and implications of Recommended status here. If you missed it, you can check it out.

As I said the result generated a lot of Mixed feelings.
One of those who were sad are those whose remark was NOT RECOMMENDED.

Who are these people?

Why are they sad?

How can you score 61.15% for Accounting and still not be recommended
or 57.94% for Management Full Time and not be recommended.

This are issues,




questions begging for answers.

Some folks are already doubting the grading process

Is there anything that can be done to change this status?

so many questions?

I will do an analysis soon on the results watch out for it.
CLICK HERE to register to receive alert whenever I post new review

There is one of five status attached to each score depending on the cut off marks set by the dept.

The five status which I treated in-depth in this post are

1. Recommended STATUS

2. NOT Recommended STATUS

3. NOT Qualified STATUS



I will use this post to treat NOT Recommended.

How To Check :

log in to Spgs Unilag website and input your reg nos and surname better still just follow the link below to access the page:


You may have passed the exams but you did not meet the cut off points
It also could mean that you failed the exams and definitely not going to get admitted.

its also means your name is not in the admission merit list.


 1. You will not get this admission except you work to see if you can get in via supplementary list

2. Find out the cut off mark and if you are very close, then there is hope for you.

3. Get ready to go to school to seek for help

4. You might still be in the supplementary list without consulting anyone - chances are slim, but its possible

WHAT's Next : - What should you do?

1. Seek for help - need recommendation
2. Change your course from Full time to Part time or executive depending on your discipline
3. Look out for the admission list, your name might surprisingly appear
4. When the list is out, find out who can help you with admission via recommendation

NEXT --> My Result Status is NOT QUALIFIED - What Next?

Lets know what you scored below and your status.
If not recommend let me help show you how to go about it.

just let me know below via the comment

UNILAG PG RESULTS: My Result Status is Recommended - Meaning, Implications and What Next?

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Mixed reactions greeted the  much awaited released of the Unilag Postgraduate/Msc results.

The result which was released on the school portal, thrown most students into wild jubilation as they found their status favorable while many others were unsure of their fate.

The results which showed a lot high scoring marks by students was far more better than previous years when students scored low.

Many students scored 80%, 70% and 60%  respectively, hence the high cut off points. As you will expect in every exams, the usual low scoring candidates showed their faces too scoring 27%, 34% and low as 17%

I will do the result analysis soon. watch out for it.
CLICK HERE to register to receive alert whenever I post new reviews.

There is one of five status attached to each score depending on the cut off marks set by the dept.

The five status which I treated in-depth in this post are

1. Recommended

2. NOT Recommended

3. NOT Qualified


5. Not SET

I will use this post to treat Recommended.

How To Check :

log in to Spgs Unilag website and input your reg nos and surname better still just follow the link below to access the page:


its means your name is in the admission list on merit.
is means you met the cut off marks.
so congrats


 Get ready for school
 Get ready your school fess - check my blog for the fees
 Get ready to adjust to school life both at home and office
 its also calls for huge financial implications, so please start sourcing for the money

WHAT's Next :

1. wait for the admission list
2. when the list is out, start your registration
3. meanwhile please attend lectures as the registration is ongoing

NEXT --; My Result Status is NOT Recommended - What Next?

lets know what you scored below and your status.
If not recommend I can show you how to get admission still.

just let me know below.