Telecom Vendor jobs:Ericsson 3G RF Optimization

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Ericsson 3G RF Optimization
Category: Telecoms |
Country/Region: Europe |
Type: Contract |
Key Skills: Ericsson, 3G, RF, Optimization

My client is currently looking for a 3G RF Optimisation Engineer with Ericsson experience to join a project in Europe.

The responsibilities of the position include but are not limited to:
- WCDMA Radio Network experience preferably 4 years
- Ericsson experience is a must
- Optimization tools, GPEH, UETR, Nexplorer, Tems Investigation
- drive test analysis
- Statistical data analysis, ie comprehensive knowledge in statistics, counters
- Ericsson p7 experience, HSPA, EUL
- WRNO( WNCS, WMRR) experience
- Utran Neighbor optimization, IRAT performance improvement
- Radio network parameters tuning
- Moshell experience and basic fault analysis


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